sewage造句91. He believes that sewage is contaminating the water and driving them away.
92. So the sewage goes septic, giving off hydrogen sulphide which corrodes the pipes and makes a nasty smell.
93. Should we close down sewage plants because they are not absolutely perfectly clean?
94. There are no paved streets, sewage, electricity or water services.
95. Raw sewage was feeding an already rapid growth of algae, raising weed growth to critical levels.
96. Eventually sewage was treated before discharge in two enormous sites on each side of the lower Thames.
97. Many developments have been delayed for years pending completion of new or improvements to existing sewage works.
98. Even waste water from water changes is not allowed to go into our sewage system during this period.
99. Biofuels include crops and trees, sewage and animal slurry, and industrial and domestic wastes.
100. Demonstrating the cleaning powers of modern sewage treatment plants is something of an obsession for those who work there.
101. The committee is composed of eight members representing oil, sewage, dredging, business and other dischargers.
102. Scientists are now exploring ways of limiting this, including reactivating disused sewage seepage fields in the area.
103. Built in the 1950s the Netheridge works provides basic treatment to sewage from homes and industry from a large part of Gloucester.
104. Like most other parks growing up around Bangalore, it will have its own power, sewage, and satellite communications systems.
105. Domestic and industrial waste, discharged oil and millions of gallons of raw sewage are flushed into the sea every day.
106. The owner says the problem is caused by a Severn trent sewage treatment plant half a mile upstream.
107. Many tenants claim to have lost everything in last week's storms, as sewage contaminated floodwaters surged into their homes.
108. Phosphates in the water, from agricultural run-off and discharge from sewage works, provide nutrients on which the algae thrive.
108.try its best to collect and create good sentences.
109. He served for many years as examiner for the London water supply and held strong views on sewage purification.
110. Nasty gases and smoke disperse into the ether; sewage eventually floats out to sea.
111. Once there, turn left to the sewage works. Keep following the track past the Slack and Haggerleases Station.
112. After the rains, sewage flows down fissured hills propped up with old tires for erosion control.
113. The resort has been accused of dumping raw sewage in the lake at least four times in the last three years.
114. Given the power of the supermarkets, the widespread use of sewage sludge as fertiliser looks unlikely.
115. The commission wants Britain to build sewage works at the seaside to treat bacteria before it is pumped into the sea.
116. There were reports of fuel cuts and a breakdown of the water and sewage systems in Stepanakert.
117. But it took the problem of cross- border sewage pollution to really drive the point home.
118. Grants and available technology shall be provided for the avoidance of the crazy Victorian idea of pumping raw sewage out to sea.
119. The group hopes to be informed of the results of dye tests on the sewage works effluent.
120. In extreme wet weather, it allows untreated and unscreened sewage to escape to the River Forth.