快好知 kuaihz

(211) Sheila had been enthusiastic, Annie icy and antagonistic to the idea of wages for housework. (212) Accumulation through dynamic expansion would be halted when the need for more workers drove up wages and eroded profits. (213) The essential characteristics of those who work to create profit in return for wages have remained the same despite surface changes since Marx. (214) They built alliances to win decent wages, decent working conditions. (215) Robins is clearly annoyed by the wages package at a time when the Sky Blues are making heavy losses. (216) Unexpected overtime, low wages and complicated antisocial hours are features for many care assistants. (217) Temporary appropriations for paying civil servants' wages and unemployment and sickness benefits will have run out by then. (218) Inflation, wages and employment In 1990 consumer-price inflation averaged 20 percent and real wages fell. (219) Experience suggests that they will only pay wages comparable with those in industry when circumstances force them to do so. (220) The unions threatened a further general strike on Aug. 22-23 if basic food subsidies and wages were not increased. (221) The general level of wages exceeded the marginal disutility of employment. (222) Swore Ramprakash was fined the maximum two weeks wages - around £750 - for that and severely warned about his future conduct. (223) But workers were paid low wages, lived mostly in overcrowded bunkhouses and were subjected to daily body searches and internal scans. (224) He put himself through school with wages earned as a carpenter. (225) They can also shift employees to other departments or require contractors to hire them at comparable wages and benefits. (226) Neighbourliness among the poor suffered greatly during the inter-war years, when unemployment rather than low wages became the chief cause of poverty. (227) It is hardly surprising that real wages rose less rapidly than productivity and hence that profitability and competitiveness improved. (228) This would be achieved through cuts in the civil service, the freezing of public-sector wages and the privatization of state enterprises. (229) They signed a co-operation agreement on employment policy, training, and wages policy. (230) In fact, because of deflation, the wages of those working actually went up, in effect. (231) I stuck some in once when we were a bit short and the old bat threatened to stop it out of my wages. (232) When taxes were increased, wages and benefits were also increased accordingly. (233) Therefore, on any given project, a manageable chunk will be completed to secure enough cash for wages. (234) Wages at the Amazon Philharmonic average about $ 1,600 a month. (235) Staff accepted lower wages because Virgin seemed to be a more agreeable place to work than anywhere else in the record industry. (236) The rest was shunted back and forth between capitalists and workers as wages chased prices and viceversa. (237) Such profits are endangered by the strike by about 500 United Auto Worker members who are demanding a contract with higher wages. (238) The workers have still not been compensated for their loss of wages. (239) Already, wages in the border town are higher than inside the country. (240) I remember when sick pay and conditions were added and when, under the wages councils, wage rates were raised.