wages造句(241) Doubts then began to arise as to whether a single generalization on wages would suffice.
(242) A further decline in real wages, benefits, and working conditions.
(243) If the ith labour market initially experiences excess demand money wages will rise at a rate.
(244) Bert Weald was the first to enter and he put his cross to mark the receipt of his year's wages.
(245) Even some certified conservatives cringe at the thought of embracing a measure that taxes wages far more than investment income.
(246) The single man on average wages will think carefully before welcoming such an impost.
(247) Perhaps so, but the great economist also saw it as confirming evidence of improving real wages.
(248) The downsizing of big firms with high wages and good fringe benefits continues at an unrelenting pace.
(249) Instead, he might be cursed with one who would rob him blind and charge him three-times the wages for the privilege.
(250) Maternity pay - 90 percent of the employee's usual wages for a six-week period - unfortunately does not come automatically.
(251) At the same time the downward rigidity of wages prevented social demand from cumulative collapse.
(252) The influence of wages is more difficult to assess because cause and effect are entangled with one another.
(253) Women continue to be denied fringe benefits and wages equivalent to those received by men.
(254) The hon. Gentleman spoke with anxiety of the possibility of a rise in miners' wages as a consequence of this Bill.
(255) Secondly, it is often argued that farm workers are compensated for their low wages by a cornucopia of payments in kind.
(256) Up to 60, 000 temporary jobs are expected to pump an estimated $ 2 billion in wages into the local economy.
(257) Miners demanded a standard rate throughout the country to equalize wages.
(258) The cost to an employer of employing his workers includes government levies of 11.45% of wages paid.
(259) With rising rural population and the end of the cereal boom, farm wages away from industrial areas simply stagnated.
(260) Even when she was too tired to read she sought escape in romance-cubes she spent all her wages on at the Madreidetic shop.
(261) He reckoned the armful of red roses would have cost the policeman his week's wages.
(262) As is typical of most women's paid employment,[http:///wages.html] this work is not considered particularly skilled and wages are low.
(263) That too often meant that jobs went abroad to places with very low wages and dire standards of living.
(264) The simultaneous interaction of the membership demand curve and the wage demand curve determines equilibrium wages, membership, and employment.
(265) Only recently have workers in the formerly Communist countries started to compete with workers in the first world for jobs and wages.
(266) Under these circumstances, the wages of many different types of labour are determined by the process of collective bargaining.
(267) He just does not want to pay his players decent wages.
(268) We need to give breaks to those companies offering higher wages, insurance and career benefits.
(269) A January report by a federal advisory commission suggested a possible increase from 6. 2 percent of wages to 7 percent.
(270) We will assume that both countries continue to produce good 3, so that wages are equalized.