快好知 kuaihz

(61) I pay tax out of my wages every week. (62) Their wages were increased by 12%. (63) Wages and prices have skyrocketed. (64) They're sticking out for higher wages. (65) A prudent man saves part of his wages. (66) Women were conditioned to expect lower wages than men. (67) The soldiers had mutinied over the non-payment of wages. (68) The difference between your wages and mine is negligible. (69) He was prepared to take a drop in wages. (70) My firm pays high wages. (71) She relies on tips to top up her wages. (72) Are wages keeping up with inflation? (73) Wages are failing to keep up with inflation. (74) The men are sticking out for higher wages. (75) The workers are still holding out for higher wages. (76) The boys are bringing in good wages every week. (77) The smaller shops pay very low wages. (78) A thief snatched her handbag containing her wages. (79) Wages are not keeping pace with inflation. (80) His wages have gone up. (81) Prices have risen but wages have not risen proportionately. (82) If you're late,[www.] your wages will be docked. (83) Wages were sixpence a week within living memory. (84) The men were fighting for higher wages. (85) The report relates high wages to/with labour shortages. (86) Wages account for less than half of the budget. (87) We refused to pay them their wages. (88) Workers demanded fair wages and better working conditions. (89) Her wages fluctuate between £150 and £200 a week. (90) The boss docked $50 from his wages.