快好知 kuaihz

121 The real numbers which result from making measurements are interpreted as the eigenvalues of the corresponding observable. 122 The compromise that would reopen the government was widely interpreted in the press as Republicans caving in. 123 Properly interpreted and monitored, the quarter mill map can prevent anything from a stray into controlled airspace to a fatal accident. 124 Cyclic fluctuations in vole populations have been variously interpreted as the result of intrinsic or extrinsic factors by different workers. 125 In future, companies will be expected to meet the deadlines as interpreted by Dodds v Walker. 126 Certain Martian surface features have been interpreted as evidence of ancient ocean beds and widespread glaciation. 127 Must have a good understanding of the ethnography of speaking in the bilingual context, particularly that of interpreted interviews. 128 The move was interpreted by some as a concession to Lloyd's brokers who supply the market with its business. 129 Naturally these rules were and still are interpreted for the economic convenience of society. 130 This could be interpreted as meaning that the Act applies to the activity duty. 131 But they say they never expected to have their words interpreted as recommending alcohol as some kind of health elixir. 132 Every minor ailment is interpreted as the start of another tumour. 133 This semantic shift should not necessarily be interpreted as indicating a decline in nationalism or racism. 134 Certainly no other nineteenth-century artist was so widely studied and so differently interpreted by the painters of the succeeding age. 135 The safety rule, strictly interpreted, would have required a landing in Florida or California on Friday. 136 By this means events are conceptualized and interpreted, and judgments are made in the interest of better anticipating the future. 137 If the spot yield is the average return, then the forward rate can be interpreted as the marginal return. 138 Clearly, in Satnam and kindred cases, the purely objective stance which Caldwell has been interpreted to represent has been rejected. 139 He tried to slow her down with gestures which she interpreted as signs of denial, and so she poured it on. 140 In the next section we will examine union policies on this issue and the ways they have been interpreted in signed agreements. 141 Several opposition parties interpreted Mr Gonzalez's attitude as defiance of public opinion. 142 During lunch, Ben interpreted for Sasha, who didn't speak a word of English. 143 Lewis has interpreted these as classical temples, but not enough has survived to prove this suggestion. 144 Williams took fourth place, which he interpreted as a guaranteed spot in the 4x100 relay final. 145 Is it then the case that no group of these fundamental quantitative propositions of science can be interpreted as stating causal connections? 146 It may be interpreted as a spiritual discipline necessary to preserve our humanity and to promote the service of others. 147 But nobody has interpreted their attitude as an encouragement to lynch women. 148 Some inherent problems remain in a concept premised on the desirability of normality, in whatever sense it is interpreted. 149 It must be concluded that the above solution can not be interpreted in terms of an interaction between plane gravitational waves. 150 The point about folklore is that it has to be interpreted.