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241 SARS coronavirus and oxygen transfer model within alveolus tissues at the end of bronchia was established. Pathological cause of SARS was then interpreted from the engineering point of view. 242 The plan9 image is an ISO format file that can be interpreted using the ISO 9660 format (as an emulation of a CD-ROM drive, which you'll see shortly). 243 And it's primarily-- I shouldn't say primarily, it is an interpreted language. OK? 244 He interpreted the relationship between nature and human by applying a theory of "heterodoxy of natural Disasters". 245 When we hear something and try to comprehend it, the stimulus from the auditory cortex is transmitted to Wernick's area, where it is then interpreted. 246 Negative values in the array are interpreted as their absolute value. 247 It was widely interpreted as a trial balloon aimed at reversing the administration's policy. 248 Proximity seeking is commonly interpreted as an index of infant - to - parent attachment. 249 The NIS News Bulletin interpreted the results of the study as: "Attempts to get more women working full-time are doomed to failure because nobody has a desire for this. 250 Back when the Java platform first came into use, a millisecond was still a fairly short time interval (especially for an interpreted language). 251 Jews who strictly observe the Mosaic Law as interpreted in the Talmud. 252 Graphical domain - specific modeling language is interpreted from the meta - model. 253 Chaos can be interpreted as uniformization of track point set. 254 an interpreted language is often easier to debug, because you can still see your raw code there, but it's not always as fast. 255 JavaScript is an interpreted language ( means that scripts execute without preliminary compilation ). 256 Without otherwise specified, the working expenses accomplished by the contractor under the Contract shall be interpreted to have been included in the price of Article 6. 257 Thus, whenever the shift character is encountered, the next character (or group of characters) identifies a new character set, and subsequent codes are interpreted as belonging to that set. 258 Scriptability—The format includes tags that provide sequences of byte codes to be interpreted by a stack machine. 259 Interpreted correctly, these two words form an expression meaning that Moses was enlightened, that "the skin of his face shone" (as with a gloriole ), as the KJV has it. 260 Neurophysiologic studies were interpreted based on age - adjusted normative data from our laboratory. 261 Estimations of the isosteric enthalpy of adsorption, free energy, and entropy of adsorption are reported and, the adsorption behaviors are reasonably interpreted. 262 Mode, is generally interpreted as the standard form the things. 263 This kinds of connotation may be interpreted by the cultural connection. 264 CTQ usually must be interpreted from a qualitative customer statement to an actionable, quantitative business specification. 265 For our purposes, due process of law is what the Constitution, as interpreted by the courts and supplemented by legislation, has created to protect the integrity of the criminal justice system. 266 Guido van Rossum is the author of Python, an interpreted, interactive object-oriented programming language.