快好知 kuaihz

151 It has been interpreted and adapted in widely different ways, relating to varied environments and concepts held by chief executives themselves. 152 And no one is allowed to wear anything that might be interpreted as a religious or political symbol. 153 Some critics have interpreted this as evidence that he finds the human body disgusting, but the opposite is true. 154 It could not properly be interpreted as leaving a gap where that unusual situation arose. 155 But it failed to discuss how consent should be interpreted where children, young persons and the mentally backward are concerned. 156 The two clubs interpreted the rules differently and the title was eventually decided by a tribunal. 157 People interpreted it as lack of support; in addition, he talked down to people in a parental sort of way. 158 The requirements of a ballot before strike action have been variously interpreted by the courts. 159 Sometimes even negative change is interpreted as merely the last gasp of the resistant old order. 159try its best to gather and build good sentences. 160 However, in practice this exception has been interpreted as applying to similar contracts issued by other entities. 161 His decision to send her away from her home and brother into an alien world was interpreted as rejection. 162 Some have interpreted it as an attempt to win Hispanic votes at the expense of military readiness. 163 His unexpected presence may be interpreted, rightly or wrongly, as a deed deliberately intended to express his courage or defiance. 164 The experiences were interpreted quite differently, even though they produced remarkable resemblances in character. 165 The other likely source for the differences in ratings is that subjects interpreted the normality task differently in the two situations. 166 When they study other topics, their sexuality tends to be interpreted as an idiosyncrasy which does not affect their work. 167 The educational problems we began with can be interpreted in a more realistic and systematic way. 168 By comparison, functionalism has often been interpreted as a form of ruling class ideology. 169 Practice is interpreted as repetition, and feedback consists mainly of approving reactions from the teacher. 170 Bush's choice of Cheney was therefore widely interpreted as a safety-first move. 171 Cultural acts and rituals could be interpreted as texts which reveal the sense of a society's ordering and structuring of experience. 172 Articles were written which could be construed as orthodox, but still interpreted by sympathisers in their intended subversive sense. 173 For some schools the central guidelines will be interpreted through a carefully structured timetable. 174 Recall that the summation convention requires the right-hand side of this equation to be interpreted as. 175 If interpreted within an uncensored, pluralist cultural climate, the Socialist Realist method still embodies fine, humanist ideals. 176 Pope interpreted this movement to mean that the enemy were in full retreat. 177 He interpreted Henry's wishes to the craftsmen and saw that tight deadlines were met. 178 These peaks, together with a crystallographic twofold axis, were interpreted as possibly resulting from 52 point-group symmetry. 179 It was the manner in which such a sacred subject was interpreted which was unacceptable. 180 The question arose after Donoghue v. Stevenson as to how broadly the ratio decidendi could be interpreted.