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fall in造句
121. The fall in age at first marriage occurred during the second half of the 18th century. 122. Property analysts forecast a fall in house prices. 123. Outside snow began to fall in large fat flakes. 124. And unemployment generally brings a sharp fall in income. 125. There was a dramatic fall in temperature overnight. 126. Snow to go: Weathermen predict no more snow will fall in the region over the coming days. 127. We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.Dr. Seuss 128. This extra borrowing from banks will reduce the overall fall in demand for bank loans, thus making the demand less elastic. 129. Try I fall in love too easily for the young Marsalis's strong sound gelling with the experience of the rhythm section. 130. A 0.8% increase in distribution to industrial customers offset a fall in demand from domestic and commercial customers. 131. Do kin who are more distant in genealogical terms necessarily fall in the outer circle? 132. Those who fall in love with learning are more likely to be lucky, happy and successful people.Dr T.P.Chia 133. The heart fools the mind, where eyes went deaf to words, that fell on blinded ears to easy to fall in love.Anthony Liccione 134. This generated bottlenecks which in turn led to a fall in industrial production. 135. Perhaps pretending to fall in love was merely a smart career move allowing you to diversify into pasturing. 136. The fall in the birth rate in the 1970s means that the number of people entering the labour market today is falling. 137. Trade union strength has also been curtailed by the rise in unemployment and the consequent fall in the number of trade unionists. 138. The strict out-door relief policy of the 1870s did not lead to a fall in total Poor Law expenditure. 139. The steep fall in interest rates over the past two years has boosted their operating profits enormously. 140. It shows the fall in average costs as numbers increase by one additional individual. 141. Two rival companies, Toshiba and Hitachi, saw a steep fall in profits. 142. There has been a comparable fall in support for increasing military defence spending and compulsory military service. 143. The most striking change between 1975 and 1988 has been the dramatic fall in youth employment from 60% to 20%. 144. One possible explanation stems from the impact of the fall in equity prices on both stocks in the last quarter of 1987. 145. Where the coast has deep water offshore a fall in base level means the formation of a vertical or very steep cliff. 146. Products which fall in the top left-hand group are those which are in attractive markets and which the company handles well. 147. The latter class of claimants, generally bondholders, will suffer a fall in the market value of their claims. 148. Nevertheless, the fall in unemployment will improve consumer confidence and so underpin spending. 149. Motorola made its prediction after announcing a 19 per cent fall in orders during its fourth fiscal quarter. 150. An increase in passenger car exports was offset by a 20 percent fall in commercial vehicle exports.