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fall in造句
151. They concede that while the fall in the pound will push up inflation, the critical point is by how much. 152. The most convincing recent estimate records a fall in that proportion from 77 percent in 1905 to 61 percent in 1916. 153. Investigators said this included having some one fall in front of the candidate to block his path. 154. So the recent fall in house-moving business would have cut gross income by about a fifth and net income by much more. 155. I would never betray a friend to serve a cause. Never reject a friend to help an institution. Great nations may fall in ruin before I would sell a friend to save them.Edward Abbey 156. As a result we have seen a sharp fall in the numbers who sleep rough on our streets. 157. Sometimes agreement is apparent rather than real because of the tendency to conform and fall in with majority opinion. 158. If you fall in the water[.com], just open your mouth and let the water gush in. 159. When 420 knots shows on the airspeed indicator, I fall in line astern of him. 160. This proportion is likely to fall in the current year as builders move from buying to renting plant. 161. Thus a rise in the price level leads to a fall in the equilibrium level of aggregate demand. 162. The fall in commodity prices means that Third World countries must produce more to earn the same amount. 163. So the underlying cause of the fall in investment is the decline in profitability. 164. There has been a sharp fall in the number of reported rapes involving strangers; these account for 12 % of attacks. 165. The best news, however, is the fall in short-term arrears. 166. Elmer Lee Nance, a 63-year-old drifter, was arrested last fall in connection with the murder. 167. This means that fishing quotas are likely to fall in coming years in order to preserve the long-term future of the fisheries. 168. Similarly, a fall in the rate of interest means a potential capital gain for investors. 169. Budapest is enjoying a construction boom, and the government reported a sharp fall in unemployment last month. 170. But concern mounted that the fall in the stock market may start to undermine banks' capital adequacy ratios. 171. Several oil-producing countries expressed alarm at the fall in prices. 172. He predicted a 25 percent fall in national income by the end of the year if drastic steps were not taken. 173. And I could act as if running a new household was an ambition f could concentrate on and fall in love with. 174. Concern about slowing demand for petrol and a recent fall in crude prices has pushed Opec towards tough action on supply. 175. The wind blows through the long grasses and the grass seems to rise and fall in waves. 176. Elaine desperately wants to be free: free to fall in love, work hard and have fun. 177. They fall in beside him and start up the hill to the induction center, the cop bringing up the rear. 178. I want the two cousins to fall in love and marry. 179. Taylor had friends in high places. A few of the machinists began to fall in line. 180. Even if you fall in love with the first one you see, it's important to be able to make comparisons.