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fall in造句
181. And the average contribution of parents continues to fall in real terms, higher education minister Alan Howarth has announced. 182. As soon as Jacob arrived here, I knew that he would fall in love with her, just like all the others. 183. Romantic love is mental illness. But it's a pleasurable one. It's a drug. It distorts reality, and that's the point of it. It would be impossible to fall in love with someone that you really saw.Fran Lebowitz 184. Worse, the recent fall in the Nikkei is eroding their capital base. 185. This seems eminently human, if for no other reason than that people fall in love and want to trust each other. 186. Separately, shares in forestry companies declined after a steep fall in cellulose prices over the last two months, analysts said. 187. The fall in attendance was mentioned in the debate on the Museums and Galleries Bill the other day. 188. The government is worried about the recent fall in house prices. 189. On the other hand they are reluctant to reduce the dividend in response to a fall in distributable earnings. 190. Profits in 1992 were bolstered by a fall in bad debt provisions to £676 million. 191. Their leaves fall in droves when the sun hits them in the morning, and then they settle on to white hoar frost. 192. A big fall in steel productivity caused a corresponding decrease in profits. 193. This is a stark indicator of the fall in monetary growth since the end of the cold war. 194. A spectacular, widely observed meteorite fall in Newfoundland on October 19, 1936, set a fishing boat afire. 195. The 25 initial contracts, due for delivery in 1995, will rise and fall in dollar increments. 196. The dramatic fall in share prices caught even the experts on the hop. 197. This period has seen a sharp fall in the average rate of growth as compared to the earlier post-war experience. 198. He took it for granted that people would fall in love with Eva. 199. Coincidentally there has been a massive fall in church attendances. 200. But what happens to the real wage rate following a fall in aggregate demand? 201. However, a sharp fall in the dollar would be awkward for the Fed. 202. This commitment will encourage others to fall in with the change. 203. Separately, shares in forestry companies declined amid forecasts of a steep fall in cellulose prices, analysts said. 204. Consequently, the fall in demand for building materials and construction workers will generate downward multiplier effects on other types of investment. 205. But, as with chromium picolinate, the stars of various supplements rise and fall in the media faster than Hollywood careers. 206. Have the lazy girl watch him from an open window for days and gradually fall in love with him. 207. Marx also took from the classical economists the idea that rates of profit are bound to fall in the long term. 208. The fall in record sales during the 1980s has damaged the newer sector of the industry more than the major companies. 209. It's easy to fall in love. The hard part is finding someone to catch you.Bertrand Russell 210. The sudden fall in stock prices was a rude awakening for new investors.