快好知 kuaihz

1) Einstein's theory marked a new epoch in mathematics. 2) The king's death marked the end of an epoch . 3) The curtain was rung up on a new epoch in world history. 4) I told him his idea was not exactly epoch - making. 5) We're at the end of the historical epoch, and at the dawn of another. 6) Already that seemed a distant epoch. 7) Being shackled to one epoch meant it had to change and adapt but try to reconcile this with harsh realities. 8) A new historical epoch is created by the development of superior forces of production by a new social group. 9) They are slaves to the prejudices of the epoch in which they were written. 10) The epoch of blue shift is usually confined to the time when the object is still inside the event horizon. 11) I have, in my mind, retold my life, epoch by epoch. 12) Then, a new epoch of history is born which sweeps away the social relationships of the old order. 13) The General Strike ended a major epoch in the history of the labour movement. 14) In the present epoch the systematic red shift of galactic spectra indicates that the Universe is expanding. 15) Consequently, in the transition epoch, the case of the imaginary form inevitably comes close to the typical case. 16) This epoch was to pass, after Adams's presidency, into similar backgrounds and were very closely interrelated. 17) This epoch making climb, graded Mild Very Severe and still bold, was first climbed in 1892 by. 18) The president said that his country was moving into a new epoch which would be one of lasting peace. 19) The dropping of the first atom bomb marked a new epoch in warfare. 20) The death of the emperor marked the end of an epoch in the country's history. 21) The birth of Christ was the beginning of a major epoch of world history. 22) Evolutionary psychologists say that there are human universals which were laid down in the pleistocene epoch. 23) Universal concepts denote phenomena which are presumed to occur universally, regardless of historical epoch or type of society. 24) The Russian Revolution marked the beginning of a new epoch in history. 25) But if the Nestorian Church provided one vehicle whereby Nazarean thought survived into a later epoch, there were also others. 26) People stand out likewise, in so far as their work marks an epoch or sums up an historical episode. 27) What is posed for us is the same question that has been central for our epoch: the question of leadership. 28) Well,[http:///epoch.html] Jimmy was a Southern Baptist and the nation was embarked upon an epoch of fierce moral rectitude. 29) The primacy of monuments and monolithic sculpture in the new Communist epoch was acknowledged and debated. 30) Their own tingling flesh convinced them that a whole new epoch in history was beginning and they were already living in it.