快好知 kuaihz

151, With a gawky, clunky gait Magic lurches slowly across the yard. 152, The magic word Literacy campaigns push back the boundaries of ignorance and give people more chance of controlling their own destiny. 153, On the way in, the battalion commander called in Puff the Magic Dragon. 154, It is a popular field of collecting, pleasant to behold and with a spice of magic about it. 155, Biemiller referred the congressman to this doctor, who again worked his magic. 156, A test as simple as a Detect Magic spell will show some stronger focus of magic above the ceiling of this chamber. 157, Card magic cake Buy some regular sponge cake from a local store. 158, Then, hobbling along on his chubby legs, his belly wagging with every step, he leads Magic to his stall. 159, Is it the magic of the goldfish or just coincidence? 160, Or even the Niebelungenlied if he prefers magic potions and omniscience from a colder climate? 161, Music have the magic of bringing people together, and creating unity and consolidation.Dr T.P.Chia 162, Suddenly, as if by magic, many of the barrows and their owners disappeared. 163, It may be that the old pictographic signs acquired a special magic power associated with the remote past. 164, Rather, the central focus of the magic is the weather-vane on top of the Great Tower. 165, You had a magic haircut achieved without scissors and set off the smoke-alarm by scorching the toast. 166, And so, believe it or not, he puts on the magic shoes and limps off to the funeral. 167, His second most prized possession was a magic cauldron that could never be emptied. 168, Occultists also claim to cast out demons affecting or possessing one of their number, and even friends outside their magic circles. 169, They have been called magic bullets because of their use in the treatment of cancer. 170, But now the two men have changed places, and the boat has worked its magic. 171, You never see animals going through the absurd and often horrible fooleries of magic and religion. Only man behaves with such gratuitous folly. It is the price he has to pay for being intelligent but not, as yet, quite intelligent enough.Aldous Huxley 172, Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 173, This is either some magic geometry of which I know nothing or it is a happy coincidence. 174, The shaman automatically receives D6 extra magic cards to use during that magic phase. 175, It was built at the time when local builders possessed that magic formula for rightness of scale. 176, If they do this, they receive no other magic cards. 3. 177, To break the habit, try leaving sugar out of drinks for that magic two weeks. 178, Perhaps deities were transported in ships to describe a magic circle of divine protection round the whole island. 179, But, as Daouda Api explains, the lucky charm of literacy often fails to work its magic. 180, We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already.J. K. Rowling