快好知 kuaihz

211, We turn under the brambles and sorrel, break up the fertile earth, and plant the magic seeds. 212, The aim of the circular walk I've devised is to capture as fully as possible the incredible magic of the Lakes. 213, The indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting o'er lost days. Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute; what you can do, or dream you can, begin it; boldness as genius, power and magic in it.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 214, Like a holiday camp it was, endless teas and lectures and displays of magic all afternoon. 215, Spend some time with Ariel and his magic if you want to add to this tale. 216, During this bleak phase of its history the cat became firmly linked in the popular mind with witches and black magic. 217, Now all they have to worry about is hexes, black magic, devil worship, voodoo curses and the occult. 218, Indeed, as expectations can kill the magic stone dead, such occasions are often evoked by going somewhere completely new. 219, It is a magic trick show. 220, The Wraith Lord is a master of Death magic. 221, Waikiki and spectacular magic and lighting with and dances. 222, This camera be equipped with a magic eye. 223, Don't miss your chance to experience the magic Penelope. 224, I have to show this magic number. 225, Princess Aurora is under a magic spell. 226, So he painted gold with the magic paintbrush. 227, Second, the magic props for trade secret protection. 228, The magic paintbrush didn't help him. 229, What magic and mentalism on television should look like! 230, The magic square is square in shape. 231, He took Ma Liang's magic paintbrush. 232, So biofuels are not a magic bullet. 233, Hello ! Welcome to English Magic Square. 234, The princess is under a magic spell. 235, There is no magic bullet against cancer. 236, There is no magic trick for converting aamateur a professional trader. 237, They have magic shows , flying trapeze arts, tightrope walking and even the clowns. 238, By your magic spell all the nations were led astray. 239, Lorekeep, the great city of necromantic magic, lies in ruins. 240, The water spirit! With your magic power, protect me! ―― Water shield!