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181, Normal armour is ineffective against the magic of Fearfrost, so only foes wearing magic armour get a saving throw. 182, Fashanu has been a 20-goal-a-season man ever since Wimbledon rode their magic carpet into the top flight. 183, Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that you make anything happen.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 184, However, the negative aspect of this is that without people browsing freely, the magic of public networks will disappear. 185, More and more men were transformed by the mutating power of the great clouds of Chaos magic drifting from the poles. 186, I think that a compelling vision combined with a unique ability to manage risk is the magic behind successful entrepreneurs. 187, Put Magic cams on to the carriage and place the point cams where you wish the motif to go. 188, She was secretly hoping that by some magic coincidence, Alan might phone while she was watching the tape. 189, She is associated with a bridge, a subterranean aqueduct and a magic distaff, one of the symbols of Athene. 190, It dates to about 1780 and looks as if it has landed by magic carpet. 191, Mystery, danger, and black magic combine in this gothic tale set in the early nineteenth century. 192, WEAPONS/ARMOUR: The Supreme Patriarch carries a sword but wears no armour as this would compromise his magic. 193, Undoubtedly she thought of the window they stood at as a magic casement. 194, Then, as if by magic, the sun burst through what had until then been a rather grey day. 195, Magic Johnson was always willing to make an Olympic comeback. 196, In 1975 author Francis Hitching was commissioned to write a book and television documentary entitled Earth Magic. 197, There may be some musical magic which only practice can bestow. 198, The collaboration was supposed to work the old magic and produce a classic album. 199, Smile has the magic of touching, softening and stealing the heart.Dr T.P.Chia 200, She was reading a mail-order catalogue, and had an open half-pound box of Black Magic chocolates beside her. 201, He says Magic Johnson was in one of his places the other night, surrounded by admirers. 202, All that mankind has done, thought, gained, or been; it is lying as in magic preservation in the pages of books.Thomas Carlyle 203, She shared none of his growing absorption in politics but was attuned to him in the world of magic. 204, Obviously, the regiment must include a standard bearer before it can be given a magic standard. 205, The walk from Club Zorna along the Porec Riviera is magic, stopping for tea and admiring the wonderful scenery. 206, They were odd, these charts, and more like black magic than business. 207, Even the magic word processor can not solve the problem of afterthoughts, which are likely to alter a complete structure. 208, So he put the black magic in a can - and Guinness recently sold its 100 millionth tin. 209, He may choose to be dealt cards from any of the colour decks or the High Magic deck. 210, Secondly, the magic of the island is here composed of Renaissance learning, imagery and classical mythology.