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31. Navy warplanes recalls the Battle of Midway. An Avenger torpedo bomber (middle) is flanked by a Dauntless dive-bomber (top) and a Wildcat fighter. 32. Anecdotal evidence suggests that certain other subspecies, such as the European wildcat and the Chinese mountain cat, are less tolerant of people. 33. Based on the selection of similar structure, a method for predicting the rock drillability of wildcat well is proposed. 34. Callaghan and the Trades Union Congress had worked out a "concordat" that laid down guidelines for wage claims and union self-discipline on wildcat strikes. 35. Therefore, present evaluation methods of rock drillability can not be applied to predict rock drillability of wildcat well before drilling . 36. The wildcat intruded into Chenggong's territory and was caught and killed by her. 37. The mountain forests are inhabited by European bison, moose, wildcat, chamois, golden eagle, eagle owl, black grouse, and many unique insect species. 38. It was a wildcat plan by some of our members. 39. The wildcat could have been on either side of the valley. 40. Most of the workers have participated in the wildcat strike. 41. In addition, the stability of wildcat well is generally determined by experience, so the disaster at complex formations is unable to avoid. 42. Party A with totle drilling cost, contract wildcat to be drilled to artesian well contractor. 43. These are lands where you can glimpse an eagle, an osprey, a wildcat, a fine antlered stag or even whales and dolphins. 44. The wildcat strikes have come onto under the backdrop of rapidly rising on unemployment. 45. For wild well, there are lack of logging data and core data. Therefore, present evaluation methods of rock drillability can not be applied to predict rock drillability of wildcat well before drilling. 46. Car production stopped because of a wildcat strike by workers in the body shop. 47. The discovery rate for wildcat wells in the Denver basin has changed radically with time. 48. Seven people died in a cave-in at the wildcat gold mine in southern Venezuela, a senior member of the local emergency services told Reuters on August 24. 49. The wildcat strikes come under the backdrop of rapidly rising unemployment. 50. The British made up for this lack by using American aircraft like the Wildcat, Hellcat and Corsair; however they continued developing their own high-performance aircraft like this Sea Fury. 51. European wildcat, marginalized by hunting and human encroachment, pauses during a daylight hunt in Moldova. 52. "There is a remote possibility that it is a melanistic pure wildcat," said Dr Hetherington. 53. Well Dong Qiu5 is a wildcat well with Abnormal High Pressure. 54. And fourth, in America wildcat drillers, if they strike it rich, enjoy access to a spider's web of existing pipelines, so they can get their gas to market. 55. The wildcat have to HAs be on eitIt'side of the valley.