快好知 kuaihz

211 A hip-bath was dragged into the tiger house and fires built outside to heat water. 212 Francis dragged himself to his feet and plodded round the bend. 213 Clearing conditions were forecast behind the cold front that dragged low clouds through Central Florida early Friday. 214 As a result, they've dragged down Freeserve's share price to an all-time closing low of 122p. 215 The worshippers dragged Ace before the sedan chair, throwing her to the ground. 216 The instructor must have heard my screams as I felt myself being dragged out as I gasped for air. 217 The court case was an awful affair that dragged on for months. 218 Even in the hands of an accomplished player, the accordion sounds like a refrigerator being dragged across a cement floor. 219 The minutes dragged past. 220 Male speaker I was dragged along a sandbank, but it was still good. 221 Too easy to fall off and be dragged around by the heel. 222 Seconds after Andrews had dragged away the pilot, the plane exploded, and was reduced to a smouldering wreck. 223 The poor creature lifted itself up on its wobbly front legs and then dragged its hindquarters behind it. 224 Those too drunk to stand were dragged away to their tents and caravans. 225 Then she dragged the body to the workbench and pushed it into the cupboard, head first. 226 Some were dragged out of their cars and butchered by angry crowds in the street. 227 Even the poor old bicycle was dragged into the act, amidst a blizzard of respectable fears. 228 Marlene woke to the sound of a heavy weight being dragged across the floor. 229 The downturn in the energy industry dragged on so long that workers drifted away and oil field equipment became outdated. 230 He apparently had been dragged along the ground by a car. 231 The twenty three year old was dragged from a busy street into an alleyway where the assault took place. 232 She dragged her way slowly towards the door,[http:///dragged.html] waiting for Maman to call her back. 233 The women and children would have been dragged away from the men. 234 Two men scuttled across and dragged the bodies from the gun. 235 Some nights he was dragged into a dark underground dungeon, where he would spend the night on the cold dirt floor. 236 But then he wasn't carrying tons of lead on a keel that had to be dragged through the water. 237 Byrne dragged Stephen's body to a relatively unscathed section while Hunt went in search of help. 238 It is Pop Judgement Day, with every group in history dragged into the dock to justify their past existence. 239 Her body was dragged over 70 feet on the front and underside of the car. 240 London shares dropped sharply, dragged down by steep declines on Wall Street Tuesday and in early dealings yesterday.