快好知 kuaihz

241 Nobody across the programme was dragged kicking and screaming out of their hospital bed into the community. 242 He dragged a telephone directory from a shelf and looked under the name of Farquarson. 243 Motorists were dragged from their cars and beaten, and hundreds of shops and properties were looted and burnt. 244 Two-thirty in the afternoon and she had dragged him out of bed? 245 Three were dragged back onto the train and taken by the scruff of the neck from station to police car. 246 He reeled away as Barnabas was dragged into the back seat and muzzled. 247 I was dragged out of bed half asleep after being kidnapped the night before. 248 Fumbling, fingers clumsy in her panic, she dragged at the plastic retaining clips. 249 And then what a cheat, to be dragged back to daylight! 250 And dragged me out to meet you at the airport. 251 Despite the hoopla, the Admiralty dragged its feet for a year in arranging the formal trial. 252 He did it now, dragged his chair out under the leafy fig tree, beyond the glow of the porch light. 253 Street vendors accused of charging higher than official prices were beaten and dragged through the streets. 254 The principle is that a single-wire printing head is dragged across a specially coated paper. 255 Once you have dragged yourself from your bed, go into the bright sunshine as soon as possible. 256 Barbara screamed and dragged Jimmy away as the desk flipped over to the floor with a crash. 257 The case dragged through the federal bureaucracy for seven years, before she finally gave up her citizenship voluntarily in 1971. 258 Liz dragged her out of bed and stood over her while she got dressed. 259 She had been physically hurt when she was dragged from the villa and she had been held captive ever since. 260 When Jean-Claude emerged from the hide-out, he held out his arm and dragged me into the dark cave. 261 The conservation movement means that they have no choice but to be dragged into biology as well. 262 The mud beneath the surface dragged at his boots, which seemed to be weighted with lead. 263 Mr Wakenshaw's parachute became tangled in the wheels of a plane and he was dragged along its fuselage. 264 Impulsively, the Squat swung the trike to pull alongside, so that one wheel dragged on the slower strip. 265 Legal proceedings against Papon began in 1982 and have dragged along since. 266 It was devoid of paint and dragged on its hinges. 267 The whole 10' x 4' x 4' unit was dragged across the garden using ladders and chain blocks. 268 The examination also revealed that both women were dead before being dragged across the beach and dumped into the ocean. 269 They only dragged her more roughly, so that her knees scraped along the rough cement floor. 270 When the spring came, the fir tree was dragged into the yard.