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civil law造句
31. Intellectual property law is integral part of civil law. 32. knowledge of civil law (basic principlesof personal rights) and the law of obligations (law of contract). 33. Our country must realize the civil law statute book and the modernization, must take highly the personal property rights protection, strengthens to the private property rights research. 34. Although the reservation clause of order public is already available in the draft Code of Civil Law o... 35. In order to protect environmental personality right, our civil law should bring into line with it and carries on sanctions to the environmental tortfeasors by stipulating the civil liabilit. 36. The Civil Law system and the Common Law system have made different provision about the corporate charter invalidity system which we can learn. 37. Frustration and clausula rebus sic stantibus are both important doctrines existing separately in the contract laws of civil law countries and common law countries. 38. In the General Principles of Civil Law which our country enacted in 1986, it firstly regulated the system of limitation of actions in the form of basic law. 39. The general regulations of two years in civil law applies to the litispendence. 40. Being a form of the usufructuary right of traditional civil law, Iusemphyteuticum has been gradually annihilated, suggested by its evolutionary process both in the East and in the West. 41. Is trusts alien to the conception of unitary ownership in civil law? 42. Law and Civil Law need dialogue to effectively solve the environmental problems. 43. Another argument is that product liability for no-fault liability, its are based on civil law article 122 bar and "product quality standard" the provisions of article 41. 44. The theory of res judicata is an indispensable theoretical research content of legislation and litigation, both in the civil law, or at common law. 45. He holds a doctorate in canon and civil law from the University of St. John Lateran. 46. Firstly as a matter of fact, assignment of debt in nonrecourse international factoring is an incomplete and special one belonging to civil law. 47. The law on the right in rem is an important part of the civil law. 48. While declared dead, a person with capacity for civil legal acts may nevertheless act in civil law matters with validity. 49. The businessman identity law of modern commercial law is based on the particular personality of modern civil law. The basic cause lies in pursuit for appropriation of modern civil law. 50. The conflict of laws and the civil substantive law will have to co-exist in future Civil law Code of PRC. 51. The evolution of personalism in the civil law reflects the process of growth of personalism in terms of natural, socially commune, independently individual features. 52. Why this doctrine was so popular in the civil law domain of non-monopoly capitalism time has its profound economical root and special political background. 53. In Middle Ages, arrest of ships has already appeared in Europe, then it was seen as Property Protection Action in Civil Law System, but it developed into Action in Rem in Common Law System. 54. It was Leo XII, in 1824, to move the seat at the Palais de S. Apollinaris where Pius IX in 1853 founded the Faculty of Canon Law and Civil Law and the Pontifical Institute Utriusque Iuris. 55. However, China's present civil law has not any definite provision concerning the easement. 56. The priority system has a long history. Many countries have special regulations in their civil law chapters. 57. Originated from Roman Law , novation of obligation is one cause of termination or obligation in the traditional civil law codes . 58. In the countries of continental Europe and those areas influenced by them, the governing law dates back to Roman law and is known as the civil law system. 59. There already had systematic and specific stipulation in the traditional civil law regarding to joint ownership which is the elementary problem in real right system. 60. As an important principle in the performance of contract, the principle of the changed circumstance is provided minutely in civil law countries and common law countries.