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civil law造句
121. As a unique concept in civil law of China, the independent liability of juristic person is essentially a projection of stockholders' limited liability in corporation law. 122. Though having spousal relationship, husband and wife are independent subjects of civil law. 123. The volume of business on virtual property is getting more and more. Virtual property, such as game arming and private trade between players is challenging the traditional theory of civil law. 124. French civil law considers priority as a incumbrance, when it inherit Roma law. 125. The right of set-off in bankruptcy law is based on the set-off of obligation in civil law, and it has some characteristics of that in civil law. 126. This kind of classification that comes from the system of civil law has no actual senses to us. Our criminal code stipulation concerning fault can resolve the discernment stumper problem. 127. Unjust enrichment system began in Roman law. The remodeling and consolidation of Civil Law and modern civil become an important area of the law of obligation. 128. Lease contract purchase contract principle is a very important rule in civil law. 129. Furthermore, it is necessary to legalize habitation in civil law and to make it more concrete. 130. Non Bis Idem which originated from the Roman Law, has been considered a cornerstone of modern criminal justice administration in the civil law and the common law. 131. Our country adopts restrictionism in General Rules of the Civil Law, the original Economic Contract Law and Urban Real Estate Management Law. 132. The prescription system is one of the ancient and important legal systems of Civil Law, which include acquisitive prescription and extinctive prescription. 133. The essence of civil law idea is justice, and its core incarnate inviolability of private right, equality of personality and autonomy of will. 134. US Closely-held Company is featured by its collaboration of human resource as is Limited Liability Company under the civil law system. 135. The right of habitation, which was institution of civil law of law , step from Roman law. 136. Along with social development, some countries of Common Law system and Civil Law system support claims for spiritual damage caused by breach of contract in legislation and juridical practice. 137. The division between chattel and estate is the foremost classification of thing in civil law. 138. The right of preemption of housing lessee is generally established by various countries and areas in their civil law system, which has a long historical origin. 139. The Principle of Directness and Verbalism is a fundamental principle that is universally established in the Civil Law System countries. 140. The system of intellectual property can form certain restriction itself, the owner of IP rights can seek to the counterplea of abuse from fairness, justice and honesty principle of the civil law too. 141. In modem civil law, land lease continue to evolve into right in rem. Many countries have made certain law to strengthen the legal effect of lease of realty including land lease. 142. He is a learn jurist , who has written several books on civil law. 143. The system on liability for fault of contracting a treaty came into being later in Civil Law, set forth systematically by the famous German legist Rudolph von Jhering. 144. Third To analyse and explain, base on the General Rule of the Civil Law, the contents of responsibility principle of fault, responsibility principle of no-fault and fair responsibility principle. 145. The introduction of a third party interests contract varies in civil law and common law systems. 146. Following the approach of civil law, the Chinese trust law adopts the system of revocatory right. 147. There are different jurisprudential foundations of seizure of ships on Law and Civil Law. 148. Protection of fetus rights is inadequate as stipulated Chinas civil law. 149. Warranty against defects of title originating from Roman Law is inherited by many countries civil law. 150. That commercial act is different from common civil law act, so it should be regulated by special legal norms.