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civil law造句
61. The term delict and variants thereof are used in civil law systems for civil wrongs. 62. Floating charge legal system not only exists in the United Kingdom, United States, and other countries using Anglo-American law system, but also exists in the civil law countries like Japan. 63. " The Japanese Corpus of civil law" forty-fourth paragraph 1:" legal person for the director and other agents in the performance of duty to others and damage, liability for damages. 64. Article 105 Women enjoy equal rights with men in civil law. 65. For the above reasons, the system has been adopted widely broth in the civil law and common law, although it derived from the cases of equity in common law. 66. Usucaption is an old system in the traditional civil law. In Roman Law it was formulated as one kind of prescription system, and was passed on in civil code of different counties. 67. Superficies are an important usufructuary right in the civil law of the continental law system and space superficies is one of superficies established on the space or the land. 68. This paper introduces and elaborates on the different contract interpretation theories and the application rules between the civil law and Cose law systems. 69. The term "civil law" and the basis of the law itself are derived originally from the law of ancient Rome, the jus civile. 70. For the advantageousness of legal implementation, this case has mainly manifested the legal flaw mentioned above and suggested to consummate the correlation content in the revision civil law process. 71. The fourth part deals with the experiences of right of priority protection in procedure of execution in civil law countries and areas. 72. Civil Law aid and Criminal Law aid have different developing sequence. 73. In German civil law, three doctrines prevail about the judgment of unlawfulness:consequence unlawfulness, act unlawfulness and the depend-on(compromise)doctrine. 74. This paper is to discuss the issues at hand; hopefully, it will be able to provide some help for civil law of evidence theory and to make civil proceedings fair and just. 75. The major states and regions of common law and civil law are provided for loss of rights system in order to solve the problem of litigation delay. 76. It is suitable to take "depute doctrine" as the theory basis of directors' duties in our country from the angle of the basic theories of civil law and legislation of our country. 77. In France civil law, they are between the contractual character and its having the unchangeableness of judgment and correspondingly having the direct enforcement powers. 78. The director is regarded as the member of the company organ in the civil law system, based on the theory of the legal man entity. 79. The twelve States in the area have used Sharia in cases of civil law. 80. That apart, the paper holds that the establishment of self-support system is an important link to perfect the civil law system in our country. 81. Part 3: The introduction of presumption of fact of common law system and civil law system. 82. In civil law a person suffering from delusions is probably not in any exceptional position. 83. Proof system stands a natural core position in the system of civil law suit, but the responsibility for proof is the core in this system. 84. During the distributive law system, civil law is the foundation, while economic law is the center on account of China's special situation and current social contradiction focus. 85. It is a misunderstanding to German civil law to hold the viewpoint of juristic act of real right protecting mala fide third party. 86. Whereas, all the Civil Law countries make provision concerning Eigentumerhypothek. 87. The doctrine of reason in many civil law countries and the theory of consideration of common law countries are all important conditions which decide the performance of contract obligations. 88. So far as the civil law is concerned, slaves are not considered persons. 89. Good faith is one of the basic principles of Civil Law. 90. The civil law system and the common law system have two different entrances of legal classification.