快好知 kuaihz

91) This method has a practicable significance to the un-cooling infrared object lens design. 92) According to one homemade combinable multi-axle trailer's steering system, the calculation in the paper proves this design method is reasonable and practicable. 93) It is shown that the application of rare-earth elements to staple rayon corduroy direct dye dyeing is practicable and the effect is perfect. 94) However, the FDIC does not believe that it is practicable for a nonmember bank to conduct a large- scale information request from all its existing customers. 95) The transactor thellonks activating the atomic interaction in the reactor is practicable. 96) The process of selection of multi-level threshold gray based on fuzzy entropy makes the algorithm adaptive and practicable. 97) Conclusion Squeezing the cornual uteri is the practicable way to collect the mouse endometrium. 98) Teachers can only be expected to do what is reasonable and practicable. 99) Where the Company's operations are subject to privacy legislation other than that of Hong Kong SAR, then this policy shall be applied so far as practicable and consistent with such local legislation. 100) If stations are only intermittently visible it may be the only practicable system. 101) At first, the core and base of budget compiling system reform is to design a reasonable and practicable department budget. 102) Results show that our BAB - BB algorithm is practicable and of high efficiency. 103) This method is possessed of high accuracy and precision in the determination and evaluation of different industrial ethyl glycinate hydrochloride, and it is simple and practicable. 104) From the analysis and experiment result, it is concluded that the algorithm is practicable for tree-shaped heat-supply network. 105) Conclusion The established dot blot technique is practicable and economical. 106) Conclusion Multiple endoscopies is practicable and safe in the treatment of choledocholithiasis . 107) Neurotization using a part of ulnar nerve is a practicable procedure for restoration of elbow flexion in upper trunk avulsion of brachial plexus. 108) Fifthly, a practicable robot teach method is discussed, and experiments are conducted. 109) In such cases, the Buyer may, if so requested send some samples of goods in question to the Seller, so far as sampling is practicable. 110) Based on the theory, practicable techniques of sound power determination are proposed and correct power formulas presented. 111) Results The decoct number and optimization of Guben expellent were obtained, and that technology was practicable. 112) In this paper a practicable testing method for frame rigidity is described. The method is aimed at checking the finite element model of frame structure analysis. 113) Conclusion Squeezing uteri is the practicable way to collect the mouse endometrium. 114) They neglected to enquire whether these Methods: Were possible or practicable. 115) ConclusionInterventional procedure using lacrimal duct stent is practicable for the treatment of lacrimal sac mucocele. 116) Objective In order to develop practicable methods for serodiagnosis , surveillance and epidemiological surveys in human and animals Brucellosis. 117) It is proved that the presented method is reasonable and practicable by comparison with classical solution. 118) However, computing total social damages involves enormous difficulties and probably is not practicable. 119) The principle of measurement and mathematical model of the solar aspect angle were given and a scheme of practicable digital telemetering system for the measurement was also propounded. 120) It provides a practicable scheme for heterogeneous computer system integration.