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121) The criterion possesses the features of simple configuration and excellent adaptability. Because of its easy implementation it is a practicable method for out-of-step protection. 122) Conclusion:For selected cases, using omohyoid myofascial flap to repair the partial laryngeal defect and reconstruct glottis is available and practicable. 123) Conclusion This technology is reasonable and practicable, which can assure the effective composition in Guben expellent ./practicable.html 124) Thus, some practicable suggestions on foreign trade policy are given. 125) Is it practicable to try to develop agriculture in desert regions? 126) The results show that it is practicable to determine the firing atmosphere of copper red glaze by incomplete combustion theory. 127) Simulation results show that the methods based on wavelet transform is practicable for getting usefulness signal, setting out noise and break signal. 128) Quantifying occupant comfort: are combined indices of the indoor environment practicable? 129) In contrast, where predeprivation process would be practicable, the Court has insisted on it. 130) The transactor thinks activating the atomic interaction in the intact reactori is practicable. 131) A novel method for calculating group delay of multi-cavities filters based on multi-mirror theory is presented, which simplifies the calculation and is not restricted by the practicable materials. 132) Static open-circuit potential is practicable for metallic oxide anode stability. 133) The accurately predicted result for the known structure of an MT protein from blue crab suggests that this method is practicable. 134) The effective enforcement of anti-monopoly law depends on building perfective and practicable enforcement. 135) As a perfect quantitative analysis method the decision tree analysis method is practicable and simple and realize scientific decision in bid invitation. 136) The method is simple and practicable, and the results conform to the production activity. 137) The calculational results verify that the proposed method is practicable and useful for designing FRAs with flat gain in broad bandwidth. 138) They will likewise aid and encourage all other practicable measures, which will lighten for peace-loving peoples the crushing burden of armaments. 139) If the efficiency of servo amplifier is considered, it is practicable that the power supply voltage is about 3 times as large as the servo amplifier output voltage corresponding to rated current. 140) The Member shall notify KC 18 as soon as practicable if he becomes aware of such use. 141) Within the compass of a normal sized book such a comprehensive survey was not practicable. 142) The factual development and running of NC simulation system shows the proposed methods is concise and practicable. The NC simulation system can runs smoothy and reliably. 143) Suppliers should, where reasonably practicable, extend the principles of this ethical code through their supply chain. 144) It has been shown that it is practicable to take ratio of ESR signal amplitudes of ceruloplasmin -to-transferrin as a cardinal parameter for evaluation of the antioxidant activity of serum. 145) In Weinberger , the goal of the statute was to eliminate water pollution to the extent practicable. 146) Through the investigation of the reconfiguration practice in a certain plant, the conclusion is attained that the greedy method based on matroid model is efficient and practicable. 147) Conclusion: The method of preparing lecithin for intravenous injection used here is simple and practicable. 148) "There is no practicable, feasible, and concrete legal instrument" to regulate Internet use, says Li Xu, deputy head of Tsinghua University's Institute for Internet Behavior. 149) The circuit adaptable to adjust the sensor signal is designed. By us2 ing the circuit the speed meter is made , which is high in precision and practicable. 150) A great lot of simulations and analysis are given, it shows that determining the LEO or MEO satellite orbit using this system is practicable.