快好知 kuaihz

151) The Seller shall give notice of any likely delay in delivery as soon as practicable. 152) A call for payment by the board of directors must be uniform so far as practicable as to all shares of the same class or series, unless the subscription agreement specifies otherwise. 153) A related issue is the meaning of consistency " to the maximum extent practicable ". 154) The reliable assurance of CME is the scientific management and Organization practicable. 155) It has been proved that the method is very practicable and import to strengthen the routine maintenance of main distribution frame. 156) S. 23. Wages become due for payment on the expiry of the last day of the wage period. On becoming due, wages become payable as soon as practicable. 157) This paper introduces a practicable technique of the distribution network plan for newly - built living quarters. 158) Then the emulation experiments show that this method is efective and practicable. 159) It proposes to get rid of unvalued—added process, realize CAX and practicable ERP/CRM based on network. 160) Sod seeding is now a practicable proposition on permanent pastures of the better soils. 161) When field manual operation to the solenoid valves is necessary, the one with manual function is practicable. 162) With the rapid development of network and communication technologies, there comes an urgent and higher requirement on the verification, which should be more veracious, safe and practicable. 163) The practicable inferior limit of analysis is 0.001%, when ICP-AES with the system is used for analysing trace soluble aluminum in silicon steel. 164) Their asceticism and utilitarianism were too extreme to be practicable. 165) The study proves that the method from gray picture to black and white picture, vectorgraph, and at last rebuilding the 3D mold is feasible and practicable in the reverse engineering field. 166) For selected cases, using omohyoid myofascial flap to repair the partial laryngeal defect and reconstruct glottis is available and practicable. 167) This method doesn't require much calculation the inner storage is saved and precision is improved, The test results show that algorithm is reasonable and practicable. 168) The result of simulation shows the fuzzy neural net work control is practicable and its control accuracy takes the precede nce over the traditional methods. 169) It demonstrated the procedure of radiofrequency ablating the epicardium could be a practicable treatment for AF. 170) A practicable hypercube multi-microprocessor system design is presented with more details of its communication control board. 171) The results show that the theoretical basis is practicable for geological dating using Milankovitch theory. 172) Finally, experiments are put forward, this algorithm has powerful ability in the detection of fuzzy edge and exiguous edge, and it is a promising and practicable image processing algorithm.