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61. This basin developed numerous vertical migration pathways with good connectivity in fluids hold during tectonic activity, so the Junggar basin can be taken as a complex pool-forming dynamic system. 62. GeniusConnect turns Outlook into a more powerful information management tool through database connectivity! 63. Connectivity , Parameter Passing , DRCs, all in real - time . 64. But providing industrial-strength wireless connectivity to an office, apartment building, or neighborhood is different. 65. Using HTTP or WebDAV, the same URIs allow access to the data, which makes connectivity a non-issue. 66. The connectivity layer mainly highlights a broker component within the context of the PROBIT architecture. 67. The MDM_CONNECTIONS parameter set consists of parameters that are specific to database connectivity. 68. In this article, we study the restricted edge connectivity of Cartesian product and direct product of regular graphs. 69. Better data reliability is now ensured through true atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) support, and when devices experience battery power issues and connectivity disruptions. 70. Let's dig into Graphviz to understand how a call graph is generated from the connectivity matrix. 71. According to reciprocity theorem, when two nodes communicate, the controlling packets and the data packets they exchange provide the connectivity information. 72. For traditional IP network, the currently deployed routing scheme is focused on constructing end-to-end connectivity which usually supports only one type of datagram service. 73. Even on the form to input an undirected graph edge, the establishment of the adjacency matrix to determine whether the connectivity graph (A). 74. The chief responsibility of TCP is to ensure reliable end - to - end connectivity. 75. You must download this update now to improve connectivity and system performance. 76. The renormalization group method is used to study the randomness and connectivity of the failture for coal floor element. 77. It helps enable end - to - end connectivity often needed by peer - to - peer applications. 78. Retraining programmers in Front - end graphical user interface ( GUI ) development with database connectivity. 79. By preassigned credibility and precision, effective estimate of sieving rate of connectivity sieve is achieved. 80. Connectivity (network access) information is stored in the system database directory, local database directory and node directory. 81. Therefore, the hybrid network control systems are favored by the users increasingly, then the realization of the seamless connectivity across multiple networks become especially important. 82. And the Analog Channel also answers for CR experimental system connectivity test, where the data is transmitted and received among baseband, IF band, and RF band. 83. An IP-connected user does not need to order special three-way connectivity service from the networking company. 84. Low ambient temperature smaller bubble size, larger capacity, it is not easy connectivity to form bubbles. 85. Connectivity therefore should be a central element in the sub - regional cooperation programmes. 86. The differences of impacts of wettability on electric properties are caused by the differences of reservoir connectivity and heterogeneity at low water saturation. 87. Includes one BNC connector for connectivity to coaxial network backbones. 88. Local Service Bus is an instance of an Enterprise Service Bus that provides connectivity support for a single domain. 89. The dense connectivity profile of the striatum suggests that these local impairments may propagate throughout the whole cortico-striatal network. 90. FPGA interconnect structure is on the Internet PI programmable logic block to achieve connectivity between.