快好知 kuaihz

31. Her temperament disposed her to argue readily with people. 32. The committee are well disposed towards the idea. 33. Jon disagreed, but did not feel disposed to argue. 34. All the furniture has been disposed of. 35. The table lamp was disposed on a table nearby. 36. She seemed well disposed towards us. 37. She seems favourably disposed towards the idea. 38. They disposed troops along the river. 39. He felt well disposed towards her. 40. Do you feel disposed for a bath? 41. The owner disposed of his house for $200 000. 42. They were all sympathetically disposed towards her bitter experience. 43. They drummed contaminated water and disposed of it. 44. Father has disposed of a title to property. 45. That seems to have disposed of most of their arguments. 46. I might have been disposed to like him in other circumstances. 47. The experienced politician disposed of the attack in a few minutes. 48. His property holdings will be disposed of in his will. 49. It's a country that is well disposed to the West. 50. Those children certainly disposed of all the food that I prepared for the party! 51. I saw that the publishers were well disposed towards my book. 52. I am disposed to agree with you as far as the selection of the location of the new theatre. 53. I disposed of the dictionaries in convenient and quickly accessible places . 54. You're most welcome to join us if you feel so disposed. 55. Chemical waste must be disposed of in an environmentally-responsible manner. 56. The taxpayer are unfavourably disposed towards the recent tax increase. 57. The market was known as a place where people disposed of stolen property. 58. The inventory will be disposed of over the next twelve weeks. 59. She disposed of the arguments against her plan in two sentences . 60. All household waste should be disposed of in strong garbage bags.