快好知 kuaihz

91. So far the demographic and market data contained in these records have not been fully extracted before the data are disposed of. 92. McLaws' troops were disposed as on the previous day, with orders to hold the enemy in front.... 93. I think maybe she had seen the television programmes and was favourably disposed. 94. When this was in turn cleared in the early 1980s the site was disposed of for private construction. 95. Britain now produces nearly 26 million tons per year of domestic garbage which must be disposed of somewhere, somehow. 96. Congress has had a torrent of learned advice on this amendment, none of which it seems disposed to listen to. 97. Dalgliesh could glimpse what was obviously her herb garden planted in elegant terracotta pots carefully disposed to catch the sun. 98. Nuclear waste can cause serious damage to the environment if not disposed of properly. 99. Lord Beresford was disposed to chat about the forthcoming cricket season, but was briskly recalled to his duties. 100. Anyway, the people who disposed of her body mopped up some blood, and squeezed it out on to the garments. 101. Before the light changed half a dozen times she disposed of the entire batch. 102. Ernest Conway had never felt disposed to adopt a conventional, benign, grandfatherly role. 103. Although D'Arcy sat on the board of the new company he was not disposed to play any further significant role. 104. These were mainly disposed along the main axis of the monument, with a number clustered on platforms raised on either side. 105. The trivialities of a business enjoying its first billion-dollar year disposed of, Jobs reentered and introduced himself. 106. Further, the cases in question will be compared with a wide sample of cases disposed of under the 1964 Act. 107. Is muck disposed of on a heap at the bottom of a field, or on to a muck trailer in the yard? 108. It was as though his mind was disposed only to preserve enough details of his history to make the present plausible. 109. Having disposed of one great story which gave coherence to human life, Western culture substituted another called scientific progress. 110. With this age-old problem neatly disposed of, Warwick feels he need only concentrate on defining intelligence. 111. However, it is a commonplace observation that capitalism is not well disposed towards standardisation. 112. In others, abortion was treated matter-of-factly, with the products of conception disposed of unceremoniously. 113. The RePublicans appear to be somewhat more favorably disposed toward the Democrats than vice-versa. 114. No one except me, and least of all the President, was disposed to interfere with that. 115. There is no doubt that Cnut disposed of this threat, but where Holy River fits in is unclear. 116. I should have thought that that matter had been disposed of so fully as to leave no room for doubt. 117. Gradually the talkative groups settled into a contented silence, but no one seemed disposed to go to sleep. 118. The majority were favourably disposed, some were ambivalent and a few highly critical of the messages and their style. 119. The best that can be hoped for, on their behalf, is that human beings are kindly disposed towards them. 120. Headteachers say governors come to school on special occasions but don't seem disposed to become involved more routinely in school affairs.