快好知 kuaihz

121. At present, 90 percent of all household waste is disposed of by burial in landfill sites. 122. It is expected that he will be favourably disposed towards the report's proposals. 123. For an asset disposed of after 5 April 1985, a form of relief known as an indexation allowance may be claimed. 124. It also ensures that the waste that is ultimately disposed of is in a good form for long-term storage. 125. He seemed kindly disposed, yet glum, and held himself somewhat aloof. 126. Charles I was equally well disposed towards Salisbury and made him a privy councillor in 1626. 127. I stopped at the compactor chute and disposed of my disposable gloves. 128. I frequently give into their hands my best guns and never found them in the slightest degree disposed to take advantage. 129. The very houses seemed disposed to pack up and take trips. 130. Seb's father was a large, comfortable-looking man who did not seem disposed to make a fuss. 131. Specifically, the way ill which households disposed of their total personal income in 1988 is shown in Table 7-2. 132. No provision has been made for any taxation liability that would arise is these assets were disposed of at their revalued amount. 133. The former are disposed to combine in order to raise, the latter in order to lower the price of labour. 134. The rational person cares about truth and is disposed to seek it. 135. With a sigh of relief he recalled how lucky he was on the night he disposed of the clothes in the skip. 136. Bethesda disposed of Beaumaris by five wickets with 10 overs left thanks chiefly to a fighting 60 by Bryn Butler. 137. Sin could be repented of by an act of volition; failure could not be disposed of so easily. 138. They can be disposed of easily, whilst their weapons stand little chance of piercing the adventurer's plate armour. 139. All other property which may have come into her possession can be disposed of freely by her. 140. But tobacco is a wily and vengeful beast, and one not disposed to look kindly on those who jilt him. 141. I am disposed to agree with you. 142. I disposed of people, and I'm disposable. 143. The figures are symmetrically disposed about a vertical axis. 144. Waste Information Waste must be disposed of in accordance with local environmental control regulations. 145. Avogadro disposed of this discrepancy by introducing a new conception: the molecule. 146. The waste product can be disposed, sold as a byproduct or recycled to the slurry. 147. Figures are generally disposed laterally across the foreground against highly simplified forms of sea and land. 148. Besides using heavy weapons for the depth, the enemy carries with him automatic light firearms which, coordinated with rockets, launchers, and recoilless guns are disposed at the front line. 149. He is then more generously disposed to admit the validity of opposing views. 150. We shall be pleased to take care of any consignment of goods suitable for this market which you may be disposed to send us.