lava造句61. Then just be-fore the continent broke into two, Tristan erupted on to the surface, leaving a massive flood of lava.
62. The giant bivalves jammed the cracks between the black tufts of lava that covered the ocean floor.
63. About a million tons of lava are pouring every day from the fissure which opened on the Sicilian volcano in December.
64. Small domes composed of viscous lava may form within craters.
65. Lava from the volcano is pouring down the mountain towards the town.
66. The lava not only filled the basins, it also covered up any old craters that had been formed in the area.
67. These lumps can become somewhat rounded through rolling and they are piled up on top of each other to create pillow lava.
68. The seas were hot, volcanoes spouted ash and lava, and electrical storms crackled across the skies.
69. I felt full of energy suddenly, and the strength and power of the gods burned like lava in my veins.
70. The same is true of lava flows which are actually extruded under water.
71. Golden brown mussels covered the walls of the main fissure and were heaped in mounds over smaller cracks between lobes of lava.
72. From its floor rose several lava pillars; eroded, contorted shapes brooding in the deep pit.
73. In my audio record of the dive, I run out of adjectives to describe the subtle variations in the lava morphologies.
74. Suddenly, the immense wall of molten lava bearing down from Mount Etna on to their doorsteps came to a halt.
75. This crater often gets filled with lakes of lava which remain molten for amazingly long periods.
76. The flowing lava of need spread throughout her loins, making her a strong forceful Amazon, bending the girl at will.
77. Instead we did the trail just south of Reykjahlid, climbing a lava mound overlooking the great lake.
78. It consisted of a cruciform church whose stone was hewn from hardened lava.
79. Three cavalry companies gave pursuit, but were scattered when the warriors turned to defend a lava escarpment.
80. A strong anomaly near Broadclyst is probably caused by the northern edge of a concealed southward-dipping lava sheet.
81. We land on fresh lava and first drive east to the contact between new and old lava.
82. Lumahai is a perfect cove of white sand bordered by black lava rock.
83. Their film shows the steep underwater flow front of a lava flow which was being erupted from a vent on Hawaii itself.
84. The lava had already damaged a tourist complex and put a cable car out of action.
85. A red-hot finger of lava was slowly advancing toward the house, lapping the edge of the back lawn.
86. As the viscosity increases, the lava flows more slowly and smoothly, not as boisterously as at first.
87. For many experts, the unusually heavy and dense lava may continue to be churned out of Etna for a further year.
88. Lava erupted underwater cools very rapidly with a plastic skin forming around lumps of still molten material.
89. The rock is a very compact andesite lava, generally sound[/lava.html], with a reasonable degree of friction.
90. Residue fell to the bottom of the sea, and lava later pushed the particles back up.