lasting造句(91) On June 24 the election campaign will officially begin, lasting four months until the voting in November for the Constituent Assembly.
(92) A heavy stream of important trading statements made little lasting impression on the shares involved.
(93) A fight ensued which left one man dead, one crippled for life and several with lasting scars.
(94) Indeed, according to his son Robert, Taylor paid a lasting price for his brush with hypothermia.
(95) Some of the tax reforms in this budget, however, will have a large and lasting effect.
(96) A more likely and lasting target, however, will be a demonised view of nationalism.
(97) But he hadn't bargained on Hodgson, who was clearly looking to leave a lasting impression on his future rivals.
(98) Is Corsica ready to seize the chance of lasting peace?
(99) As the essential measure to secure and entrench lasting reform we will introduce fair votes by proportional representation for Parliamentary elections.
(100) The formulation of a lasting peace settlement was the main objective, and everything else was seen as subsidiary to it.
(101) I have made lots of lasting friendships along my Guiding road as I have through Medau and think myself lucky.
(102) The foliage is handsome and the autumn colour is relatively long lasting, yellow and gold with the odd slash of red.
(103) Morris's lasting influence is a touchy subject at the White House.
(104) Both networks offer a more lasting alternative to Napster because there are no central servers.
(105) Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to it’s liberty and interests by the most lasting bands.Thomas Jefferson
(106) The issue now is to ensure that the ceasefire turns into a lasting peace agreement.
(107) Like Shelley, he was a lasting influence on Steven Morrissey.
(108) He thanked Mitch again for the tattoo and said it was lasting pretty well, considering.
(109) Above all, however, is the recurring theme of lasting friendship.
(110) The incident left a lasting impression on the young girl.
(111) Until we all give up violence, there cannot possibly be lasting peace in the world.
(112) More worrying are the longer lasting psychological effects, usually associated with acid, that can be wrought by any hallucinogenic drug.
(113) The only lasting effect it may have is on the careers of some of the people involved.
(114) Both sides could make these talks succeed by seeking a real and lasting peace.
(115) An adequate transactional competence should be a real achievement of lasting value.
(116) A lasting peace requires the slate to be wiped clean.
(117) His next book is about the lasting effects of the Vietnam war.
(118) Workers face the signal extraction problem of deciding whether the increase in real wages is transitory or lasting.
(119) Anniversaries can also be recorded in copper or pewter as a lasting reminder of a special event.
(120) He acquired a lasting scientific interest in mucus, possibly augmented by digestive problems of his own.