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61. The United Nations should be a forum for solving international problems. 62. For them it was the more concrete matter of solving a problem, figuring out what to delegate to a subordinate. 63. These support problem solving techniques such as rule-based systems, genetic optimisation and fuzzy logic. 64. Life isn't about living without problems. Life is about solving problems.Tom Krause 65. Cataloguing the birthplaces of proteins will be a giant step towards solving the mysteries of human biology. 66. They offer no other means of solving this problem and imply that social inequality is an inevitable feature of human society. 67. Solving all the necessary mathematical equations on paper is next to impossible. 68. The apes are exhibiting previously unknown resources of problem solving, and the experiments will doubtless continue. 69. McClellan's is the most sophisticated approach yet designed towards solving these logistic problems. 70. As usual, however, there are problems, and help in solving them can be had by making a few simple measurements. 71. On the left, the problem of solving the King's death, of finding the murderer. 72. We therefore apply a finite-difference approach to solving the required equations. 73. Are there distinctions to be drawn between legal problems and social problems? How effective are lawyers in solving legal problems? 74. The basic idea is quite simple: linguistic communication is a kind of problem solving. 75. We'd almost finished solving the problem when our time ran out. 76. They should neither remain aloof from what goes on in life, nor should they spend all their time solving industrial problems. 77. Problem-solving activities Problem solving is a strategy that has proved useful, especially with older pupils at Key Stages 3 and 4. 78. Even when all the falling in love and car chasing and mystery solving goes on among the white folks. 79. For problem.solving, strategy formulation or appraisal there is little logic to the voting approach. 80. In life -- as in math -- the key to solving any problem lies in the clear and proper identification thereof. 81. In an interesting approach to solving collaborative site management issues, you can add extra columns to the listings. 82. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries many studies were undertaken in hopes of solving the difficult problems of animal locomotion. 83. This type of learning, a statistical mechanics method for solving complex optimization problems, has its basis in physics. 84. Solving the infective dose paradox might lead to new strategies for elimination of this preventable pneumonia. 85. In April of 1974, Tarrytown management hired a consultant to work with supervisors and workers in joint problem solving programs. 86. As we saw above, there are limitations with the rational model as a method of solving problems. 87. But solving the problem is not so simple, especially after the fact. 88. Because of the possible multiplicity of targets for change, it is deceptive to consider this process problem- solving. 89. As I walked around that charming town, I undertook the task of solving the puzzle she had set for me. 90. This facility for associations which are neither obvious nor apparently logical is extremely valuable in creative thinking and problem solving.