solving造句121. Take your first step to solving the mysteries of the Trail by filling in the form over the page.
122. In our dealings with the police we have found that they can blow hot and cold. Sometimes they are keen to have media help in solving a crime, other times they are more reluctant.
123. In essence problem solving presents a new and challenging angle on a site or feature.
124. Much is made in the introductory sections of the look-up tables which cross-reference information and provide the route maps to solving problems.
125. Data Harvest has a differentiated approach to solving hardware problems.
126. Working Model Working Model is award-winning desktop based software for analysing and solving engineering problems involving 2D and 3D motion and mechanisms.
127. Address the present problems and the way forward to solving them.
128. One boy was solving a quadratic equation, another was engaged with Euclid.
129. Job sharers scored high marks on problem solving, team work and flexibility and demonstrated greater resilience in the face of setbacks.
130. Now that the study of Latin has declined, interest has focused on how problem solving is taught in mathematics classes.
131. Cognition is to do with the rational domain: logic, reasoning and problem solving uncomplicated by irrational behaviour.
132. It is well worth pausing from time to time to clarify what problem each person thinks he or she is solving.
133. But I can not see it solving the crisis of the socialist left.
134. I liked talking to people and solving problems, but as you get promoted within a firm you lose that personal contact.
135. They deal with the whole problem solving process from problem sensed to problem overcome.
136. Players search for the princess by uncovering clues, solving puzzles and navigating a medieval maze.
137. Intrinsically motivated, for the most part, the people in them are buoyed by the joy of problem solving.
138. Besides, he reasoned, he might even get closer to solving the crime this way.
139. The powers that be do not seem interested in solving the city's transportation problems.
140. Further, the plans may indicate the ownership of fences and so may help in solving problems in that connection.
141. This facility will be used to record the progress of each problem and to assign responsibility for solving the problem.
142. Since there are no more acknowledgements, Vickie moves on to problem solving.
143. The workers also participate in such matters as production scheduling, solving quality problems, evaluating performance and recommending new equipment.
144. They come to the university with limited experience in applying knowledge, puzzling over solutions, solving problems.
145. I note that you've made some headway towards solving things on the technical front.
146. Never bring the problem solving stage into the decision making stage. Otherwise, you surrender yourself to the problem rather than the solution.Robert H. Schuller
147. It involves the child in the process of solving the problem or resolving the conflict.
148. This ability liberates the child from sensorimotor intelligence, permitting the invention of new means of solving problems through mental activity.
149. Early in the second year, true intelligent behavior typically evolves; the child constructs new means of solving problems through experimentation.
150. These teams will be trained in direction and how to participate in problem solving.