solving造句91. The assessment of learning outcomes related to problem solving and personal qualities requires mathematics to be undertaken in context.
92. Exercises were devised to help students test their comprehension of the materials either by essay or by solving concrete problems.
93. We do not minimize the depth of the problem, nor the difficulty of solving it.
94. Lateral communication improves coordination and problem solving and fosters employee satisfaction.
95. There were two ways of solving a scientific puzzle, they said.
96. But solving the mystery also teaches some important lessons about the era ahead.
97. Expert Systems Problem Solving/Minimisation Within a specific environment problems may be solved or they may only minimised depending upon external constraints imposed.
98. Working together, the union, consultant, and management representatives proposed a series of Saturday training sessions on problem solving.
99. Solving complex problems may require choosing from so many alternatives at each step that it is very difficult to algorithmically define solutions.
100. The processes are described as: problem solving skills; practical skills; language skills; and technical skills.
101. Most of its business is solving problems rather than manufacturing tangible products.
102. Much of the joy typical of Great Groups seems to reflect the profound pleasure humans take in solving difficult problems.
103. Given that an equilibrium exists, it can be found by solving these equations.
104. Stage overlapping and communication patterns Development lead time is directly affected by the nature of engineering problem solving.
105. Problem solving: This is almost exactly as in the simple solution.
106. And in doing that they have taken the first positive step towards solving it.
107. It comes as President Bush advances a plan to increase the involvement of religious institutions in solving social problems.
108. Solving the problem A pressing need in reforming medical education is to redress the imbalance between teaching, research, and administration.
109. The emphasis is less on getting the correct answer and more on being resourceful in finding ways of solving problems.http:///solving.html
110. He had used this in a practical way in solving problems with which the helicopter abounds.
111. He made no headway, came not one step closer to solving the crime.
112. Employees need to be self-starters with higher than normal creativity and problem solving skills because a supervisor is not nearby.
113. They are priceless forums for discussing new ideas, solving problems, and sharing feedback.
114. Solving the problem will require acute perception and subtle communication.
115. Intelligent processes, such as: pattern recognition, image reconstruction, learning, reasoning by deduction, expert problem solving.
116. This identification of the problems provides the foundation for the solving of these endemic deficiencies.
117. To assist novices, the magazine is offering a free guide to solving cryptic crosswords.
118. As a result of these liaisons the rest of my job involves problem solving and development of initiatives.
119. The technique of solving academic problems is almost the same as the technique of writing a legal opinion upon a practical point.
120. Hopefully we can find a way of solving this problem.