快好知 kuaihz

1. The polar vortex is a system of wintertime winds. 2. It's very cold in the polar regions. 3. We saw a baby polar bear at the zoo. 4. Love and hatred are polar feelings. 5. Polar habitats are harsh and highly variable. 6. Warmth melted some of the polar ice. 7. The polar explorers took every precaution to minimize the dangers of their trip. 8. The Antarctic species have few special adaptations for polar life. 9. As our climate warms up, the polar ice caps will begin to melt. 10. The white fur of the polar bear is a natural camouflage. 11. They are of polar opinions. 12. In many ways, Brett and Bernard are polar opposites. 13. The Arctic remains the domain of the polar bear. 14. Ortega's cheerful landscapes are the polar opposites of Miller's dark, troubled portraits. 15. Is it sensible to think of masculine/feminine as polar opposites ? 16. The ivory gull often follows polar bears to feed on the remains of seal kills. 17. The novel deals with the polar opposites of love and hate. 18. The parents' position is often the polar opposite of the child's. 19. The polar region is the habitat of the polar bear. 20. The whiteness of polar bears and arctic foxes provides camouflage. 21. CertainIV it should not accommodate its polar opposite. 22. He received the Polar medal in 1914. 23. These federal decisions are polar opposites. 24. It handled the snow like a polar bear. 25. The polar bears does not look cold. 26. The polar bodies will be eliminated. 27. Even the polar ice contains pesticide, for example. 28. Parker like a polar bear, suddenly hugging him. 29. Many tundra species occur in polar desert and forest as well, but only in tundra do they dominate their communities. 30. Scientists are particularly interested in observing the thawing and freezing of the polar icecaps in order to assess changes in sea level.