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121. We have written the compatibility equation in a form that corresponds with the polar geometry. 122. It is also supposed to test-drive technologies for NOAA's pending Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS), a multi-spacecraft system plagued with technical delays and budget problems. 123. And cylindrical coordinates only mean that we are, instead of x, y and z, y we are replacing x and y by the polar coordinate in the x, y plane, r so the angle theta and the distance r. 124. Hydrophobic, unbulky and nonpolar amino acids form long repeat segment easily, the maximal repeat segment length formed by hydrophilic, polar and bulky amino acid is relatively short. 125. Software Description: About Polar Bear Family, This theme has a wintery scene with a family of snuggly polar bears. 126. Knut , Knut , Little polar bear from the zoo Knut , Knut , Life is good for you. 127. The tropical rainforests and the Weddell Sea may, as it were, be polar opposites as habitats. 128. The transition curve is a familiar curve form. And lofting with polar coordinates method can break through localization of deflection angle method. 129. This last division and the expulsion of the second polar body occur only after fertilization. 130. The results showed that the mature spores are yellowbrown , monolete, and bean-shaped in equatorial view and elliptical in polar view. 131. The alignment of the polar axis and the monitoring of the guiding process require absolute accuracy. 132. To improve its functional properties gluten was modified by glycosylation followed by microbial transglutaminase (MTGase) deamidation with increasing polar groups on gluten. 133. Say, polar coordinates. Let's say that I have a function but is defined in terms of the polar coordinate variables on theta. 134. This arithmetic setup four cycle standard ultrasonic polar signal, and correlated with the ultrasonic received signal. Then the distributing instance can be educed. 135. Phylogeny trees show that brown bear and polar bear is a sister group, American black bear has a close relation with brown bear and polar bear, but has a distant relation with Asian black bear. 136. I traveled nine hours by ship from the world's northernmost settlement to reach polar ice rim. 137. Long ago there was no town and people used caribou, musk ox, polar bear, and wolf skin for clothes and blankets. 138. But, generally speaking, the kinds of regions that we will be setting up things for are no more complicated or no less complicated than what we would do in the plane in polar coordinates. 139. The electrical properties of natural rubber natural rubber non - polar substances, is a good insulating material. 139.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 140. No,I don't think we could actually find the center of mass in polar coordinates by finding the average of R or the average of theta. 141. Similarly the polar bear can scent out a dead seal from 20 kilometres away. 142. The extraction behavior of dialkyl ( aryl ) Sulfides may be controlled by polar and steric substituents effects. 143. The self-oscillation frequency keeps some inherent quantitative relation with the second polar frequency of the operational amplifier. 144. The result shows that auxin polar transport plays an important role in adventitious root formation. 145. Some properties of the polaron in polar crystal slab are investigated by using Greens function method. 146. The movement of the place where the polar air mass and the horse latitude pacific air mass meet (joined band) affects the fire seasons and fire occurrent rates in the east part of China. 147. The study on kinesins in plants is focus on cell polar growth and cytokinesis. 148. Arctic sea icecap disappears, leaving polar bears homeless and changing the Earth's energy balance dramatically as reflective ice is replaced during summer months by darker sea surface. 149. This guy, you have two different ways of getting its polar coordinate equation. 150. In fact, they have gone just about as wild as it is possible to get, examining polar bears on the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard.