快好知 kuaihz

61. He spent years knocking around the Far East before World War One. 62. Roland makes a lot of money knocking off copies of famous paintings. 63. It seems that the suitcase has been knocking about upstairs for years. 64. I'm not knocking them: if they want to do it, it's up to them. 65. When she woke, her ear caught the sound of soft knocking. 66. You can get some exercise by knocking a ball about a field with a friend. 67. He barged past her and sprang at Gillian, knocking her to the floor. 68. Trying to get that class to learn anything is like knocking your head against a brick wall! 69. At the last election, the Government won easily, knocking the Opposition into a cocked hat. 70. There was a furious knocking at the door at midnight yesterday. 71. He fell and just missed knocking the whole display over. 72. I tried knocking on her door, but there was no answer . 73. Jim bought Mary an old car, just for knocking around. 74. She bumped into his tray, knocking the food onto his lap. 75. Five countries have permanent seats on the UN Security Council but Germany and Japan, among others, are knocking on the door. 76. The spacious kitchen was achieved by knocking together three small rooms. 77. You frightened the life out of me/frightened me out of my wits suddenly knocking on the window like that! 78. Travel agents are knocking £50 and sometimes £100 off the price of holidays. 79. No, it's not mine; it's been knocking about the house for years. 80. We're going to open up our kitchen by knocking down a couple of walls. 81. Is the same chairman still knocking about? I thought he had left years ago. 82. I've got all the information together but it still needs knocking into shape. 83. It seems that he's been knocking about here for years. 84. He was knocking about outside the cinema when the incident occurred. 85. Gathering that information means knocking on doors and asking people questions. 86. Is the same chairman still knocking around? I thought he had left years ago. 87. I am sorry I have to hang up now.Someone is knocking at the door. 88. Paul has been knocking out new songs for the album. 89. The horse reared, throwing its rider and knocking down a youth standing beside it. 90. I wear these old trousers for knocking around the garden.