快好知 kuaihz

181. As soon as the doctor arrived, he ran breathlessly into the house and burst into the room without knocking. 182. He was fined $ 5,000 and placed on probation for 90 days after knocking around Tony Stewart's race car. 184. While they were watching their single, another machine was knocking out Paul McCartney's new album at one every 2 seconds. 185. Bluechel, unharmed, fled the scene, a bullet knocking off his cap as he ran. 186. A terrier man drives his quad bike into a protestor, knocking him to the ground. 187. His knapsack was so big that it proved a useful weapon in knocking encroaching sunbathers off his collection of sun loungers. 188. The guards hear him knocking and shouting but then our young hero comes back. 189. So Sunday I was nursing myself until you came knocking on my door, and Monday I spent here, pottering about. 190. What could Frank have done to Thorpey that warranted Thorpey going to the trouble of knocking Frank off? 191. But a kiss denied, for Phillis was knocking on the door. 192. I carried on knocking on the door and begging to be let in. 193. He ducked under her arm and slammed his elbow into her back knocking her into the wall. 194. It might get into the papers, and then she'd be down here knocking on my door and screaming blue murder. 195. His mind reeling with the difficult mathematical equations, he suddenly heard a soft knocking at the door. 196. KineHUHre is used as a verbal device similar to knocking on wood to ward off evil forces. 197. A valance of stones appeared in mid-air and fell, knocking oar blades and oarsmen. 198. We were woken by a frantic knocking at the door. 199. She tried to imagine herself walking along the corridor, knocking on Luke's bedroom door and saying - saying what? 200. And gathering that information means knocking on doors and asking people questions. 201. Why are small investors embracing this unknown fund company, without brokers knocking on their door or glossy ads beckoning from magazines? 202. Wyatt watched his child frolicking, charging, knocking over other children, heading somewhere else. 203. Thomas is five or six years younger than his brother, knocking seventy; he's tall, lean and a bit owlish. 204. The reality, however, is that the Institute has had considerable influence in knocking the rough edges off legislation and practice. 205. Dennis was knocking the stuff back like lager, not even bothering with his usual patter. 206. Rose recommended knocking it down to $ 15, 000 and the supes agreed. 207. Somehow, over the running water, she finally heard the loud knocking on the cabin door. 208. Already Nicola, ever impetuous, was outgrowing Oxford, and knocking back every overture to come her way. 209. I believe that campaigns should be at least 70 percent positive for your side and no more than 30 percent knocking your opponents. 210. The antenna dustup has already hurt Apple's shares, knocking billions off its market capitalization. The company's shares are down more than 10 percent since the iPhone 4 launch.