快好知 kuaihz

91. We could make a bigger living space by knocking two rooms into one. 92. The Irish came so close to knocking England out of the European Championships. 93. The boys were knocking a ball around in the back yard. 93.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 94. Jim bought Mary an old car, just for knocking about. 95. Knocking down and killing someone when driving after drinking alcohol is next door to a murder. 96. You can get some exercise by knocking a ball around a field with a friend. 97. I'll have to ring off now, someone is knocking at the door. 98. He kicked Gomez in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. 99. He's like a bull in a china shop , always knocking things over. 100. I wear these old trousers for knocking about the garden. 101. They were wakened by a loud knocking at the door. 102. Soon Pugwash was knocking on the door. 103. There was knocking on the front door. 104. Knocking heads until the last microsecond. 105. Landlords knocking on doors, demanding money. 106. Would you mind knocking before you come in? 107. She pushed open the door without knocking. 108. I think somebody's knocking at the door. 109. We ran upstairs, knocking aside startled servants. 110. Smith barreled into him, knocking him over. 111. The knocking on the door and shouts became frantic. 112. There's quite a few of them knocking about. 113. The poor, sick, bereaved, came knocking at the door. 114. 'Mattie?' called Jerry, knocking on the door. 115. Ray was knocking them down one by one, unlike his tragic ancestor who only knocked himself down. 116. The pack leader grabbed the first policeman from behind and wrestled him to the ground, knocking his revolver from his grip. 117. About the most exciting thing that happened to me was knocking some ink over. 118. Each new copy must be made from raw materials, smaller building blocks knocking around. 119. Hencke heard one canister bounce off the outer hull with a dull echo like the Devil knocking at the door. 120. What do you do with an evil one, who is knocking off the neighbors?