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61) We can a crowbar to apply leverage. 62) Leverage this by mapping key functionality onto these buttons. 63) Use the leverage of fixed overhead. 64) Do you have any leverage with the Senator. 65) Has analyzed the influence financial leverage s factor. 66) Scissors and claw hammer that belongs to such leverage. 67) Another important principle of operation, stock index futures and leverage characteristics. 68) Return on Invested Capital measures a companies net operating profit as a percentage of the leverage that they are using. 69) An improvement in leverage suggested an improvement in long-term solvency , while an improvement in liquidity was a good signal about the firm's ability to service current debt obligations. 70) Similar to application server multi-tenancy, transaction multi-tenancy can be configured and programmed to leverage a nonsegregated or segregated approach. 71) Find purchase transeunt funds and bridge funds for purchasers, then to increase the rate of return through leverage effect. 72) Because of leverage, the gain or loss may be greater than the initial margin deposit. 73) Their results are similar to ours in that they conclude that these tax benefits act as a non-debt tax shield and affect leverage. 74) Why should large systemically critical financial institutions be allowed to heavily leverage themselves with short-term borrowing? 75) Of course, just like any C application, you can leverage the C compiler to build a better executable. 76) An expression that breaks return on equity (ROE) down into three parts: profit margin, total asset turnover and financial leverage. It is also known as "DuPont Analysis". 77) Her second thoughts about the bank's leverage crusade led to her being sidelined into a policy job a year before the bank went belly-up. 78) In fact, a lower debt-to-equity ratio could actually lead a bank to take on more risks in order to make up for the loss of leverage. 79) I am still bullish on gold and energy bearishand leverage. 80) The creep strain of nonwoven geotextiles is measured by using the method of photic leverage. 81) Such a high leverage ratio makes investors extremely nervous, even if a large portion of that leverage ends up being relatively benign government agency debt. 82) Future versions will leverage the ship's reconfigurable payload capacity for a wide range of missions, including anti-piracy. 83) The system is dialing back risk substantially , bringing down leverage, Mr. Fink said. 84) We need to establish and enforce strict capital and leverage ratio requirements, bring the shadow banking system under supervision and regulation and formulate globally consistent accounting rules. 85) Comparing consideration level, absolute level is thought as a developing banking tool, with two functions: financial leverage and diversification of risk. 86) All these things mean that banks will reduce the credit to reduce its leverage ratio. 87) The goal of schema design is to leverage existing schemas as much as possible and to provide external schema changes to build a model of the desired mixed-namespace document. 88) One of the benefits of switching to a functional style is the ability to leverage higher-order function support provided by the language or framework. 89) But you don't have to become a CEO or a movie star to be in a situation with measurement and leverage. 90) The fourth aspect of the financial leverage ratio is too high.