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91) Something, such as a crowbar, that is used to apply leverage. 92) Whether you follow this rule as one of the success tips from Abraham Lincoln or one of the mafia tips from Al Capone, doing so will only leverage your credibility in the public's eye. 93) Amazon will be hoping to leverage both the strength of the Kindle brand, built up over three generations of its popular e-book reader, and its ability to serve up content such as music and video. 94) You can generate and use your own icon file or just leverage BMP images by clicking Specify separate BMP images. 95) Still, we rarely leverage the flexibility that this type of architecture affords us. 96) Then combined price to earning ratio and financial leverage, we constructed, and revisited the performance of the portfolio model made by the free cash flow. 97) In addition, this section also discusses the impact degree of factors which influence operating leverage and the applications of factor control in outsourcing and enterprise expansion. 98) Using the leverage value to detect this model and finding the mainly influential observation, an improvable model is built. 99) Hyun Shin and other scholars in academia provided early modeling of illiquidity and of the perverse effects of leverage during asset bubbles. 100) Its core is the financial leverage that the bank wants play adjustment socio economy to live. 101) The use of leverage can lead to large losses, as well as large gains. 102) That's the reason Comcast is deliberately keeping leverage low, despite grumbling from shareholders who want a big stock buyback. 103) Customizability: It is not enough to have a lot of content; you also need to be able to leverage that content to execute projects of different types effectively. 104) Based on this analysis, the NSC determined that we should grant the visa, because it would boost Adams's leverage within Sinn Fein and the IRA, while increasing American influence with him. 105) The industry-specific common services provide standards-based implementations of message and document processing and transformations that you can leverage in your SOA application. 106) It does not leverage the Teradata DML array operation feature. 107) It is also found that the ownership reward of the company mainly benefits from financial leverage. The reward rate of ownership decreased after the asset-liability ratio was improved in 2006. 108) Smaller, unlisted firms likely experienced a similar trend, aggravated by lower margins given their higher operating leverage. 109) The several GARCH models show that there is asymmetric and spillover effects and leverage effects between two markets. 110) But, beyond the strategic questions, muchof the potential leverage of the Internet still relies on a very unsexy word:execution. 111) So by using the open standard approach of UIMA, you gain the advantage of possibly being able to leverage the work that others may have already done to solve similar problems. 112) I think every one who gets rich by their own efforts will be found to be in a situation with measurement and leverage. 113) The expenses of taxation of our country exist a lot of drawbacks at present, which makes the role of the leverage of the tax revenue and macroscopic controlling ability of the country drop. 114) All these will cut the profitability and leverage of banks. 115) Please keep in mind that leverage magnifies both gains and losses. 116) Since the middle of 2007, Morgan Stanley has raised about twenty billion dollars in new capital and cut in half its leverage ratio—the total value of its assets divided by its capital. 117) The acting force of prying and pressing marks is leverage effect which is different from that of hitting marks, impact effect. 118) I work with a 50:1 leverage and go allways full buying power in the market. 119) Empirical result shows that ARMA (1,1)-GARCH (1,1) model provide a successfully simulation by explaining strongly the volatility clustering, durative and leverage effects in enterprise bond markets. 120) Black America has something even more important than committee chairs: leverage.