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241) Without proper risk management, this high degree of leverage can lead to large losses as well as gains. 242) What is your view about high leverage in Forex trading? 243) Big company often use its deep pocket as a leverage to initiate price war against competition. 244) African and Asian ambassadors have made off-the-record statements suggesting that China uses its aid and trade as leverage to make them tilt away from U. S. initiatives. 245) Reasonable use of financial leverage to equity capital to bring extra income,[http:///leverage.html] namely the financial leverage. 246) This section was separately retained given its unique impact on the company's financial condition and leverage. 247) It's also noteworthy that these operations used only minor financial leverage in achieving that return. 248) Companies can also take on debt to raise capital, creating leverage. 249) Since we leverage the main module, it needs to be modified. 250) Leverage has the effect of potentially magnifying losses and could result in the value of the Company's net assets and the Net Asset Value per Share decreasing.