natural resources造句61. An indignity for the noble halibut and a waste of natural resources.
62. He has appropriated his country's natural resources as his personal property.
63. What will happen when we have exhausted all our natural resources?
64. It is the positions of the international boundaries and access to natural resources that are the real bones of contention.
65. Latin America has an abundant labor force and natural resources.
66. And other natural resources, like minerals and timber, spurred the growth of technologies needed to extract them.
67. We need to do a better job of exploiting our natural resources.
68. The object of the exercise is to ensure the wise and efficient use of natural resources throughout the Trust.
69. Environmental degradation, whether resulting from pollution or from overuse of natural resources, does not respect the boundaries of states.
70. The country's natural resources have not yet been fully exploited.
71. The use of finite natural resources, e.g. coal, oil, must, perhaps, result in ultimate shortages.
72. The finiteness of natural resources determines its scarcity.
73. Many natural resources are being overdeveloped.
74. It is wrong to misuse our natural resources.
75. The land is affluent in natural resources.
76. We play a roll in manage our natural resources.
77. The islands may be rich in natural resources.
78. the exploitation of minerals and other natural resources.
79. My country is blessed with unsurpassed natural resources.
80. They are considering the exploitation of natural resources.
81. The country is abundant in natural resources.
82. We should not overexploit our natural resources.
83. The area is slenderly endowed with natural resources.
84. The waterfrontalong the Yangtze River are precious natural resources.
85. What is the optimal mix of private and public property rights in natural resources?
86. Without effective arrangement of property right of natural resources[http://], tragedy in common land will occur.
87. It is a typically ecological transition zone and eco-critical zone, and this area is also the aboundant zone of natural resources.
88. Russian Far East is rich in natural resources. Forest covers an area of about 2.6 hectares. It is also the largest red pine areas, with an annual output of pine nuts up to 5-8 million tons.
89. Natural resources are peculiar in Aba farming - pastoral region . The stockbreeding with advantages has a brilliant outlook.
90. We should effectively protect, rationally exploit and economize on natural resources.