shocking造句61. Call it foolhardy or brilliant or shocking or crazy.
62. The near miss is exciting; even shocking.
63. You say the most shocking things.
64. That was shocking; for him, the novelist's duty was to remain invisible, inaudible, discreetly omniscient.
65. He also hurled other shocking words at the First Lady.
66. Everything went black in the shocking folds of his embrace.
67. The shocking stills above are from the 1992 film and show the Ally McBeal star making herself sick after a binge.
68. She said she found it shocking that low-level aides in the Clinton White House were allowed to handle such sensitive documents.
69. Then, a shocking event came to my rescue in the most unexpected place.
70. The woman had a husband who was a shocking sinner, he went in for drink something chronic.
71. In January 1989, the party captured a shocking 7.5 percent of the vote in West Berlin's municipal elections.
72. It was shocking and it brought him even more public and media attention.
73. Today we print the shocking truth about baby drinks, which are bought by millions of mums.
74. But it is full of frustrating inconsistencies, with the central auto-da-fe scene standing out in almost shocking relief from everything else.
75. The assumption that had the plane been carrying drug smugglers the shooting would have been justified is shocking.
76. Most shocking to many commentators was the high youth vote for the extreme nationalists.
77. My most shocking moment as an interviewer was when a movie star came on drunk and threatened to him my other guests.
78. That doesn't seem to me a shocking or illiberal thing to say.
79. Moreover, it would be a shocking waste if you were not.
80. Crowley was colourful, eccentric, flamboyant, and deliberately shocking, always a keen adventurer and womanizer.
81. One of the things we were involved in remains in my memory with shocking force.
82. Designs of scars, battle marked patches, as smooth as sea washed pebbles - shocking!
83. It can be quite shocking for a child to see the changes in his or her body as puberty approaches.
84. The coroner, Michael Gwynne, described the race hate campaign as shocking.
85. I recall... the shocking distension and protrusion of the eyeballs of dead men and dead horses.
86. For him the sight is also shocking, but arouses a prurient curiosity.
87. The book contains shocking allegations about the senator's private life.
88. His death was particularly shocking since there was considerable evidence that elements of the military security service were implicated in it.
89. It is a shocking state of affairs, and the Secretary of State should be ashamed of himself.
90. He'd woken in a shocking state, his mouth like the Sahara desert.