快好知 kuaihz

91. But choosing that particular moment to do it was a rebuff as callous and shocking as a slap in the face. 92. A preacher, victim of a wasting illness, would refer in the pulpit to his forthcoming demise without shocking his congregation. 93. The report revealed some shocking new facts about the effect of drinking on health. 94. After the two marry, Eugenia reveals a sexuality that is shocking by Victorian standards. 95. It is shocking that anyone could make light of child abuse. 96. There was something slightly shocking about an old woman drinking wine alone in a bed-sitting room. 97. Psycho and Peeping Tom, both of which are more than 30 years-old and remain deeply shocking, are also ignored. 98. The bill marks the end of a shocking anomaly similar to the one that once allowed only men to vote. 99. It is shocking that a guillotine motion should be produced in such circumstances. 100. Lord Justice Woolf said this would be a shocking waste of resources. 101. Blew about twenty families to bits and sent a shocking number of people scurrying away without their parents or their children. 102. The law can seem a distant, musty reality, no matter how shocking the changes it effects in national custom. 103. He likes me to smile at the camera, so twice I pulled shocking faces. 104. The gash in its throat was shocking, but not pathetic. 105. The team hit virtually every routine Saturday afternoon and set itself up for what could be a shocking team medal Monday night. 106. Although many range from shocking pink to cerise, the blue pulse gives the whole place a purple glow. 107. Relieved, she now felt the full and shocking weight of what she had just witnessed. 108. But it has remained as puzzling to modern historians as it was shocking to contemporaries. 109. It would also entail another meeting between them, a small voice inside told her, shocking her with its message. 110. I called on Labour Councillors: they agreed that the state of affairs on the site was shocking. 111. Sarah's no prude, but she thought some of the sex scenes were quite shocking. 112. The roads, under the influence of the rain, were becoming shocking. 113. Most shocking was the charge that Morris had allowed her to eavesdrop on conversations with the White House. 114. It is shocking to think of boys as young as sixteen experiencing at first hand the horrors of war. 115. Azure curtains hung from the arches which were shocking pink. 116. Playing any instrument was taboo, but playing it along a public highway - shocking. 117. Another shocking piece of news greeted Theo in June, 1882. 118. What would be really shocking, surely, would be the revelation that lesbians don't kiss. 119. Perhaps the most shocking news was that children got hit the hardest in this downward spiral. 120. The union of environmentalist and marketing executive was both innovative and shocking.