快好知 kuaihz

121. He couldn't have observed her intent scrutiny which was fuelled by an unfamiliar feeling she found deeply shocking. 122. Nor does anything in the history of the Amendment offer any support for such a shocking doctrine. 123. Recent political scandals have tended to fall into the same dreary pattern: shocking accusation. 124. In one shocking instant Tim, 32, had become a widower, and his 23-month-old daughter Sophie motherless. 125. Martin had an illegal weapon, and committed a shocking crime. 126. The opening scene is so shocking it will leave you gasping. 127. Even these shocking statistics understate the seriousness of the situation. 128. Where a delivery date had not been provided a shocking 59 per cent of goods were never delivered. 129. It's been a most shocking day so far, quite shocking. 130. Opinion takes a world of countries so much for granted, it is mildly shocking to discover how recent the concept is. 131. Though she doesn't register as a gifted actress, she communicates emotion with a shocking lack of guile. 132. A hard hitting television campaign, so shocking it can't be shown before 9 p.m., begins tonight. 133. Cockney mums were making tart comments to waitresses about the shocking price of currant buns. 134. They hit the button, and the results-pub lished last month in the journal Science-were shocking. 135. The results were shocking, at least to people who care about squandered money. 136. Her entire metal skeleton was jolted, shocking the still-fresh flesh it was embedded in. 137. My grades reflect the shocking inadequacy of school system. 138. This was a shocking invasion of privacy. 139. For the sake of revealing God's cross-shaped love, Jesus practiced the cultural custom of washing feet in a new and shocking way. 140. When the old latrine lips finishes shocking everyone, I have something to say. 141. On Capitol Hill, Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer of New York described the job numbers as "shocking" and said they call for "a strong, deep and effective stimulus package." 142. As well as defensive uncertainty, one other thing stood out to me as I shivered in the press box along with, among others, Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger - Italy's shocking lack of creativity. 143. Have had a shocking UFO sighting or multiple sightings in your life. 144. This reanimation of an ancient life form was a breakthrough, a discovery so shocking that the scientific community initially refused to believe it. 145. Even today, and even in secular western Europe, the bald and confident atheism and materialism of Diderot and Holbach seems mildly shocking. 146. When a sugar refinery explodes, the CSIs make a shocking discovery about one of the factory's employees. 147. All of this, however shocking it seems to us, is part of the day-to-day training you go through as an operator. 148. This is a shocking indictment of a vast section of our economy. 149. It was really quite shocking Priestley said, describing his reaction when he first saw his injuries. 150. Struggle spirit is like flexile water that will show us its beauty only after constantly shocking the reefs.