快好知 kuaihz

61. She always struck me as a ginger nut sort of person. 62. Mix the yogurt, coriander, cumin, turmeric, paprika, ginger, garlic salt and chilli powder. 63. In a small bowl, combine oils, soy sauce and ginger slices. 64. Heat oil in wok. Add garlic and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant. 65. His friend stood on the porch with him, agitating in his hand a paper cup full of whisky and ginger ale. 66. He was very tall, perhaps six foot five, all elbow and forearm, like an enormous ginger praying mantis. 67. Add the garlic, ginger and onions and stir-fry for 30 seconds. 68. And you can not safely ginger up your metabolic rate with drugs because of the risk from side-effects. 69. There's a big ginger cat that's taken to coming in our house at night. 70. He pounded some garlic and ginger and put it in the pan. 71. Fry the onions, garlic, chilli, ginger, coriander, cumin and turmeric in the oil. 3. 72. Mike poured me a Johnny Walker Black, then filled his own glass with ginger ale. 73. When the oil is smoking hot add the ginger, shallots and crabmeat. 74. Add ginger, shallots, the snow pea leaves, rice wine and salt. 75. I boil ginger root, and with the cooled scented water, I ba the you for a final time. 76. The other in his 30's, with ginger hair and moustache and a tweed sports coat. 77. One was white, of medium height with fair or ginger hair cut short on one side and longer on the other. 78. Silver-thread waterfalls trickle down razorback cliffs, and red-torch ginger flowers glow like stoplights. 79. Add the ginger wine and, finally, the stem ginger, mixing it in very thoroughly. 80. We made small talk to everyone we knew and I drank rather a lot of gin and ginger ale. 81. Gyggle's hideous cheesecloth shirt, the buttons pulled apart to the sternum, revealing still more tight ginger curlicues. 82. Add a little grated fresh root ginger to the mixture, if you wish. 83. Trent dropped down into the galley and took his time searching out a tin of ginger biscuits. 84. Fresh coffee and cookies, punch with ginger ale and lime sherbet floating in it. 85. We had some cans of ginger ale in a cooler, but they had gone bad, exploded. 86. Profuse amounts of grey and ginger hair sprouted from nose and ears. 87. Place in a saucepan with water, salt, honey, ginger, and butter. 88. When appealed to for her support over the ginger beer, Araminta had laughed. 89. Combine some fresh raspberries with a drizzle of orange juice and a pinch of grated ginger. 90. There he is, though, with his freckles and the ginger cloud of surprise around his head.