快好知 kuaihz

121. I arrived late but luckily the meeting had been delayed. 122. I was unavoidably delayed. 123. Results have been delayed owing to a malfunction in the computer. 124. We were delayed at the airport. Otherwise we would have been here by lunch time. 125. New Jersey Transit trains were all delayed 15 minutes. 126. The plane's departure was delayed by mechanical problems. 127. Margaret, delayed by a sick child, came from Philadelphia. 128. The execution has been delayed one month. 129. Her profession, however, was delayed for several years. 130. The disgust had been long delayed. 131. Some were delayed at military checkpoints. 132. Our flight was delayed by bad weather. 133. His arrival may have been delayed by snow. 134. Finally, I delayed the committee process. 135. He delayed the Illinois caucus in hopes that Sen. 136. He has been unaccountably delayed. 137. Because of the delayed diagnosis no antitoxin was given. 138. Due to his delayed arrival, Chun himself escaped injury. 139. There was no official estimate of how many people were stranded or delayed. 140. The flight from London was delayed, and it was about three in the morning when I finally got to Venice. 141. Whereas Prost had been delayed as the Ferrari mechanics fiddled with the right-rear wheel, Senna's stop went like clockwork. 142. He said the delayed flights will leave within 24 hours. 143. Sitting on the ground in front of it were the two constables who had delayed him at the dovecot during the arms search. 144. Reed delayed filming his scenes in the hope that Brando might change his mind, but finally he gave up and quit. 145. These reflections take more round-about routes than the direct sounds, and are therefore delayed slightly relative to the direct sounds. 146. Two of the entries are not in chronological order, which suggests that the recording of events was sometimes delayed. 147. Courage is more important than to be deceived by shallow victory waiting for a delayed defeat.Dejan Stojanovic 148. The display was delayed for five minutes to allow the queues of cars to park. 149. But the start of the scheme has been delayed until later this year. 150. Even the kick-off for the Barcelona v Liverpool football match was delayed to accommodate the episode.