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211. Release of the report was delayed two days by a severe winter storm. 212. There were a few delayed items, but, surprise, surprise, there was a big juicy book to provide a centrepiece. 213. Otherwise, it is likely to be delayed until summer 1995. 214. Pervez Musharraf, delayed his flight home because of a bomb threat. 215. Unfortunately boats are slow to unload, and disembarking is delayed. 216. Additional potential risk factors for delayed healing were examined in a subsequent exploratory analysis. 217. It is thought to reflect defective cell proliferation control and delayed onset of normal differentiation. 218. The hospital delayed elective surgeries, but the day otherwise went smoothly, a spokeswoman said. 219. Some saw it as a policy platform for the conclave that could not long be delayed. 220. The opening of the new bridge may be delayed for several months. 221. She had made up her mind that her delayed birthday present to her daughter was to be a proper, shop-bought frock. 222. Although his speech is a little delayed, he is a skilled communicator and mixes well with children and adults. 223. Senators, however, delayed a vote until Thursday on a bill that would make sure the state is repaid. 224. If Wieben Stock had believed otherwise, she could have delayed her decision until after the trial,[www.] attorneys pointed out. 225. If Labour win the election all road building and improvement schemes will be delayed by at least six months. 226. The police delayed making any announcement until the girl's relatives had been contacted. 227. The plenum had been delayed for several months, allegedly because of divisions over economic policy between the central and provincial authorities. 228. Guidance delayed by legal hitch Restraint guidance for children in care, long delayed by the government, has hit another obstacle. 229. The other night, I delayed my departure by 15 minutes. 230. But his courage did not change the course of history, it simply delayed it a bit. 231. Delayed release mesalazine formulations release their contents rapidly in the distal small intestine and proximal colon. 232. The U. S. Treasury delayed until tomorrow its auction of $ 28 billion in bills as federal offices closed. 233. Description and decision are delayed until an extended visual search is completed. 234. Comas recovered, although he was further delayed by Damon Hill, to finish second ahead of Morbidelli. 235. The congenital apathetic inefficiency bred by the regime as the best way of keeping people down had also delayed the demolition process. 236. This delayed cash flow will alter the net present value of an arbitrage transaction which involves buying shares. 237. Responsibility will not be accepted for entries lost, delayed, mislaid or damaged in the post. 238. The net result is that the lack of that information results in the application being delayed for many months. 239. Like other baby boomers who delayed parenthood, she will spend the next two decades defying contemporary ideas of aging. 240. Once aspirin and thrombolysis are given, however, the additional benefit of delayed subcutaneous heparin seems limited.