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241. Perhaps he had been so fascinated by the sight of the advancing waters that he had delayed his escape too long. 242. Political opposition by Republicans in Congress delayed the project, however, and Triana lost its slot in the shuttle schedule. 243. In the first place he had been in to his office and delayed their departure until after lunch. 244. We could have delayed the trial until the tax business was settled. 245. Prices were lifted after budget negotiators in Washington cancelled meetings today and delayed talks aimed at reaching a balanced-budget agreement. 246. Its presence on the stage may be further delayed because it would involve restructuring society. 247. Time allowed 00:19 Read in studio A controversial plan for a bypass around Aylesbury has been delayed by county councillors. 248. This is usually about 18 days after infection, but it may be delayed for several months when arrested larval development occurs. 249. It is issued to passengers whose flights have been cancelled or delayed and is redeemable by the airlines at face value. 250. It was found that decisions about placements were often long delayed while efforts were made to solve the family's problems. 251. New York trading of Loral shares is delayed because of an order imbalance. 252. That we have been delayed by the downpour, the road conditions. 253. All flights to Tokyo were delayed because of bad weather. 254. Moreover, abortion as a method allowed decision making to be delayed until material circumstances could be assessed. 255. L6 is almost certain to be delayed until well after its official launch date in May. 256. In his view Fraser had delayed because he didn't want to face the truth. 257. It was possible that Maggie had been delayed, but he doubted it. 258. The rocket launch was delayed because of a technical fault. 259. Play was delayed for two hours by a power outage. 260. Mr Guerin was to have been sentenced yesterday but this has now been delayed by up to two months. 261. He said the airline was now working to clear the backlog, with the delayed flights expected to depart within 24 hours. 262. In Grampian difficulties with the GPass computer system delayed the development of fundholding, and these problems are still being overcome. 263. I got sick, as I so often had at times of unbearable tension, which delayed our departure for a month. 264. In this low undergrowth their disorganized progress and uneven, differing rhythms of movement delayed them still more than in the wood. 265. However, that will take man power away from essential building work and the development of the railway will be delayed. 266. Vacant possession will be delayed and will prove costly, if not virtually impossible, to obtain. 267. The field work had started in 1907 but the extremely complex geology and the war years had delayed the project. 268. They committed themselves to this last year in the spirit of delayed gratification. 269. Gardner-Medwin proposed screening 18 month old boys who are not walking as an approach to the problem of delayed diagnosis. 270. Bone age was delayed by more than two standard deviations in 42 of the 60 patients for whom it was determined.