快好知 kuaihz

1 The silicon chip is less than a millimeter thick. 2 I have to shave a few millimeters off the bottom of the door to make it shut. 3 Petiolar modena, chief instrument 3 millimeter, without wool. 4 A millimeter is one - thousandth of a meter. 5 I commonly use the Olympus 100 millimeter telephoto lens. 6 Snow city Washington, annual snowfall amounts to 1870 millimeter. 7 A micrometer is one thousandth of one millimeter. 8 The silicon chips are less than a millimeter thick. 9 Micrometre: One - thousandth of a millimeter. 10 In order to improve the gain of millimeter wave(MMW) microstrip antenna array,[www.] a novel method based on active circuits and phase adjustment by dielectric loaded microstrip line was presented. 11 With a small whoosh, one of four 15- millimeter projectiles streaks from the munition pod strapped to his wrist. 12 Expanding of Field-of-view for small F-number millimeter wave focal plane imaging is analyzed in this paper. 13 Ovary grows about 2 millimeter, 5 rooms, close by scale, style is more staminal long, without wool and scale. 14 The technology of millimeter wave guidance is still in its infancy now. 15 Millimeter wave scanners beam radio waves over the body to create a three-dimensional image. 16 In the back of the truck was a 12.7 millimeter rapid-fire machine gun. 17 The painfully slow elevators, whose speed can be measured in millimeters per hour. 18 The main criterion for subdivision of the detrital rocks is grain size, given as the diameter of the grain in millimeters. 19 Newer electrodes using transparent indium-tin oxide as conductor material have increased the electrode density from 36 to 64 per square millimeter. 20 The applications of chiral medium in anti-radar, antenna engineering, fabricating components of microwaves and millimeter waves are very important. 21 The basis of this article is the application of millimeter wave radar in muzzle velocity measure of antiaircraft gun . 22 This paper designed a full digital modulator and a full digital demodulator for the millimeter wave communication machine based on the soft radio theory. 23 Three methods has been adopted for these wireless communications in MAGLEV, they are 38G millimeter, leakage coaxial line and radio induction technology. 24 The theory and technique are suitable for the power combiner operating in centimeter or millimeter wave. 25 Caenorhabditis elegans, as the roundworm is properly known, is a tiny, transparent animal just a millimeter long. 26 Background: A diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) requires a count of over 5000 circulating CLL-phenotype cells per cubic millimeter. 27 The theory to extract angular error is described and the realization of millimeter radar's digital phase comparator and extracting method of angular error's sign are discussed. 28 Objective To observe the clinical effect of treatment for the patients in the department of otorhinolaryngology by millimeter microwave. 29 By using a 10 millicurie radiant source, the linear measurability may reach 180 millimeter with a non-linear error less than 2%. 30 In IBM's device, the avalanche multiplication takes place within just a few tens of nanometers (one-thousandths of a millimeter) and that happens very fast.