快好知 kuaihz

121. There were considerable losses, owing partly to the circumstances of capture and partly to the very severe conditions on the voyage. 122. All three are listed in the bankruptcy filing as owing Evergreen money. 123. The elements may also be transformed from one into another, owing to the fundamental qualities inherent in each. 124. Poor dear David Marquis, mid-nervous breakdown owing to last night's appalling Box Office receipts, has left at 8 a.m. 125. But both groups include many profoundly different peoples, owing partly to the accidents of history and partly to regional variations. 126. Certain toxic syndromes indicating a specific substance may become familiar to medical staff owing to frequent local abuse. 127. Answer guide: A creditor represents an amount owing by an enterprise to a third party. 128. There had been an enormous increase in the accuracy and destructiveness of all munitions, owing to the introduction of information technologies. 129. In 1985, only 3 percent of medical students graduated owing more than $ 75, 000. 130. Not very pleasant to taste, owing to a lack of sufficient juniper flavouring. 131. Occasionally tours may be cancelled at short notice owing to circumstances beyond our control. 132. Most of the money has been repaid but there is still £5 owing. 133. It has been called down south for duty owing to the weight restrictions on the Henley branch. 134. The reason: older persons tend to form one-person households both by preference and owing to widowhood. 135. One of his most popular miracles occurred one day while pi owing. 136. The specter, north and south, of the black face, real and corporeal, owing nothing to burnt cork. 137. Many commercial undertakings failed owing to high energy costs, technical problems or poor acceptability. 138. Truman was initially less enthusiastic over the appointment owing to criticisms expressed by Dulles in the previous campaign in New York state. 139. For the man-about-town of the 1890s betraying concern at owing money to tradesmen was bourgeois, boring and absurd. 140. Had a brief discussion about B's dinner money owing. 2.55: Internal Audit Officer phoned. 141. Mortality is 3-4%, mainly owing to opportunistic infections and pulmonary emboli. 142. Farrington Stead dealt in gilt-edged securities, investments also offered by Barlow Clowes which went into liquidation in June 1988 owing £190million. 143. Owing to such nice folk, warm and kindly, I have never lost my faith in humanity. 144. Many local authorities prefer litigation, possibly owing to the choice and influence of their own legal departments. 145. This is partly owing to the understandings that it has provided, in certain technologically important areas such as chemistry and metallurgy. 146. Moreover, particularly with smaller firms, the builder may be unable to pay owing to cash flow problems, receivership or bankruptcy. 147. Afraid contract balance unimplemented owing flood up country. 148. Owing to his beaty, he is called Cinderella. 149. My success is owing to you in all senses. 150. Thoroughly, they are owing to the irrational shareholding structure.